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Everything posted by Axius

  1. Axius

    Please come to NY. You have like enough English songs for the masses.
  2. Axius

    Im sorry diaura, mejibray and nocturnal bloodlust were the first two that came to mind. Im putting one of there pv's here but you minus well add most if not all their pv's. Minus well add half the starwave videos on here as well
  3. Axius

    This song has one of the sickest riffs ever
  4. Axius

    Honestly i just watched this video on there like band memories: I really hate it when bands do these videos but love it at the same time. It really hit the feels for me. 😭
  5. That bass is to big for that man 🤣
  6. Very unusual for this band to use this style. This song kinda reminds me more of デンドロビューム . Its one of those songs that is like poppy and is suppose to get stuck in your head. I do miss there dark style this is ok to me not bad but not good. I kinda did not like dadaism 5.
  7. Axius

    Im def getting this one in FLAC im starting to hate lossy razor songs
  8. Axius

    LEST GOOOOOOOOOOO At least razor is still alive.
  9. Axius

    I'm so late yusuke was so good I will miss him. Aside from that I guess that's why I started to notice a change with dadaism 4. Altho dadaism 4 wasn't bad. I feel like with Dendrobium and dadaism 5 you start to notice the music change with this band more so. Hopefully they come back again in a way similar to there early works.
  10. Axius

    I can't wait for new content. I never thought I'd be saying this about rap metal lol
  11. Axius

    Nooooo im so upset they were so amazing. I'm very surprised by this.
  12. Second mini album actually. I can't wait for this one.
  13. Axius

    Replacement drummer?????
  14. I feel like they just had fun with this one. Not bad its ok.
  15. Axius

    Omg they are doing a whole theme around black and blue my two favorite colors together. So beautiful ❤️
  16. Does anyone know what happened to vocalist 浚ヤ(shunya) from Ex-



  17. Im soooo excited to see where this drummer goes in his career. He is so good.
  18. Did these guys get back together or were they always around?
  19. What happened to RENAME?

  20. So good yet so short. I think thats the shortest A side they have.
  21. Axius

    I totallyyyyy forgot about these guys i love it.
  22. Axius

    Wow im mad about this. I want to like this band but They didnt even post about how to even buy there music. Wow.
  23. Wow i noticed the limited live ver. of 自作自演。~其の弐~  is sounds different then then the album version. hmm weird

    1. Bunny


      All the songs from Album 逆襲のすゝめ are re-recorded ❤️ 

    2. Axius


      i know thats the strange part lol

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