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Posts posted by Luna

  1. i've visited your site and added it to my favourites. i think it's pretty promising ^^

    besides i know that what you're doing is hard work cause i translate japanese lyrics myself and romanize,too, sometimes.

    i know it often takes much time ^^"

    you should continue with your project, that's my opinion.

    ganbatte ne! ^__^

  2. wow

    u love both u !!!

    anyway .. did u translate yourself ???

    u knwo japanese ???

    thank you and you're welcome ^^

    yes, i've translated it on my own.

    yeah, i know japanese, though i'm not perfect yet, but i'm learning it.

    and one my hobbies is translating lyrics of japanese bands ^__^

    Edit: I've just noticed that i mixed up one word in the lyrics, but I corrected it now. see above. and sorry for the little mistake ^^"""

  3. i see :lol: and the PV is awsome as well :)

    so, well, as promised here's my translation of Utakata, just finished ^^

    the lyrics are beautiful and very emotional *-*

    Enjoy!! :lol::lol::lol:

    Kagrra ~Utakata (ephemeral)~

    My desire rains incessantly on you

    Softly crosses over the sadness

    If we meet again somewhen

    I feel your crying face

    The time flows slowly

    I think about the distant thing of the past

    The stars I saw on that day

    Were shining more than anything and

    I certainly felt eternity

    My desire rains incessantly on you

    Softly crosses over the sadness

    If we meet again somewhen

    I feel your crying face

    Being embraced, the transiently fallen feeling

    Is like a brilliant flower in its full bloom

    If the passing seasons return many times

    I wonder if you will be able to here this voice

    The meeting and the farewell

    Even though it repeated many times

    Someday in the flowing tears

    Until I am drowned completely [Edit: it's 'drowned' not 'remember', sorry ^^"")

    They will overflow by you inside of my heart

    My desire rains incessantly on you

    Softly crosses over the sadness

    If we meet again somewhen

    I trust this emotion about which I am singing now

    Being embraced, the transiently fallen feeling

    Is like a brilliant flower in its full bloom

    If the passing seasons return many times

    Will this voice be heard by you?

    If there were wings on this back

    I would follow you who flew away

    I want to bind the interrupted string of my memory and

    Embrace you once again

    My desire rains incessantly on you

    Softly crosses over the sadness

    English translation by Luna


  4. First, thank you for posting the romaji! i really like this song by Gackt and the PV is great,too :lol:

    And second, here's my translation of 'Returner~yami no shuuen~ (i've just finished it) :)

    hope you'll like it! enjoy!

    Returner~yami no shuuen~ (Returner~demise of darkness~)

    I was afraid of loneliness, while the moon embraced the sky

    With my tears I was not able too see, I was searching you and screaming

    Me, who was reflected in your eyes, was laughing

    Before the smile, which I can never meet again

    In the deep darkness I kept screaming, I could see you

    Far away...

    Embrace me tightly until I brake

    When I wake up from the dream, it disappears

    Both, your smile and your voice which I love so much

    Because we can meet again, because we made a promise

    Gently covered with overflowing love

    Please give me eternal sleep

    I cannot see you...

    English translation by Luna, 2007-07-17

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