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Everything posted by TJK.

  1. I wish I could be more help on this subject, but I'm a bassist, so majority of songs are simple to learn if your not doing a whole lot of runs or progressions. As far as the songs go, Carmelzors pretty much has a good variety for anyone learning guitar to really sink their teeth in or just get their feet wet. I still suggest Ellegarden songs since the pop punk style is more catered to the power chord structure, however I only suggest that as a start up to play. Also, my advice. Just keep playing and don't be afraid to try new things. Also, don't get worked up or down if you don't get it down pat. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
  2. TJK.

    I've been on huge metalcore and djent kick lately. However, I'm mostly listening to ISSUES lately. My fav thus far:
  3. TJK.

    Leslie Hall - Body Rolls/High Kicks
  4. TJK.

    Nothing Jrock related. I've always had the pleasure of meeting and talking with all of them. But I have had a convo with Joe Inoue online. Besides that, it's mostly youtubers, bands that I've had the pleasure of opening for, and couple of movie celebrities.
  5. TJK.

    @Doombox Well Gracias! Oh wait... Domo ari- Dang it! *ahem* Thank you! Yeah, saw OOR when the came to town. Good guys too! Ryota is a bit much, Toru and Tomoya were pretty silent, but Taka was fun to talk with. I'll be sure to do that! @seurong Thank you and pleased to meet you!
  6. Hello, I'm TJK. <---- The n00blet!!! Gonna make this short and sweet, Was a HUGE fan of Jrock since I was 13. I use to run a Jrock based radio podcast that was moderately successful. However, at least nowadays, I'm more of a casual listener. I mostly listen to One OK Rock, Pay Money To My Pain, coldrain, ACID, and a couple others. If you wish to know more, feel free to ask!
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