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Everything posted by TJK.

  1. I don't have a particular favorite. However, I do enjoy Independence Day.
  2. TJK.

    Italian, chinese, some Korean, Mexican, Continental, and Soul Food.
  3. TJK.

    Long story. I fell in love with Japanese modern music at the age of 10. It was around that time I was called a japanophile or something to that effect. It was a later that I got called something like "That one weird kid who listens to asian music". I use to get bothered by it, but one day I decided I either be ashamed by it or embrace it. Thus I began looking for forums. I ended up on Jrock message boards on Myspace. This led me to some interesting talks with people who told me about Batsu. It was where I came up with my UN "The_Jrock_KId". I eventually shorten it to TJK and kept it as such. After a huge uprising in the forum, I had to re-create my profile after being banned, which eventually led me to add a period to the name. TL;DR: The_Jrock_Kid ---> TJK ---> TJK.
  4. TJK.

    I hate that every time I watch a very dramatic show, I jump to the notebook and begin writing music. It's like I emotionally cannot deal unless I write something. Whether it's poetry, a song, or through drawing. I have to express myself in an artistic manner or I just freak the f*** out. I wouldn't hate it as much if I wrote or drew something worth while, but it's more miss than hit.
  5. TJK.

    I moved in with two friends of mine. These friends have been dating for a little while and have been doing a lot of life building. When I was moving out of my last apartment, my friends asked to come live with, since they were in the market for a town house and needed a roommate to help afford it. Well, they signed a 12 month lease, which seemed pretty long, but I figured it wouldn't be big deal since they're on this life building pursuit. It's been less than a month and they have decided to take a break. I don't know they will work it out. I'm now trying to figure out if, when, and where I'll be moving to if they don't get back together. I feel bad they're at this point in their relationship, but I got to say, I'm rather vexed at myself for putting myself in this situation. Oh well, you live and learn.
  6. TJK.

    Old pic of me, but I figured why not
  7. This song, along with Her Name in Blood, Issues, and few others got me through my flight, but this one really gets me pumped. Thus, it made my day!
  8. TJK.

    Stress relief
  9. TJK.

    Just arrived to my hotel and almost set for my brother's wedding. Not sure why, but I'm not really comfortable in 5-piece suits.
  10. TJK.

    Can't wait to see these guys
  11. TJK.

    My morning pick me up
  12. TJK.

    My new motto for the week: "I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. "
  13. TJK.

    P.tp feat Taka - Voice
  14. TJK.

    My most recent pic. Back In Feb. I believe
  15. Shortest: I would say about a day. Oooh to be in Middle School Longest: Was 2.5 years. We met in college, she transferred to another college, I eventually transferred and would later drop out. We decided to take a breather (number 4 at that time), and the last month together seemed to be going swimmingly, but then she said she wasn't being honest with herself and realized she wasn't in love with me. Thus, we broke up and then the bitter war of having my things sent to me was waged (I only wanted two things back and the rest she could do whatever she wanted, but insisted I take back everything). In the end, she became overly aggressive and we stopped talking to each other all together.
  16. TJK.

    When I was younger, everyone knew because I made it known. Today, not much into VK, except a few bands, and I don't think anyone knows exactly what I listen nowadays. What's your most embarrassing moment that you can recall?
  17. TJK.

    All I can says for some reason you do go down that road, please don't show me. Some things are best kept in the shadows lol My band, er... former band, was basically Alternative Hard Rock with hints of metalcore. However, I play just about everything.
  18. TJK.

    Yeah, most of my pics of late are of me either rocking out, band pics, and Various fan selfies. However, I do have some personal pics laying around. Well, at least it's not a pic of you and the cat bathing.... I know crazy cat ladies, believe me lol
  19. It all depends on your perspective, but I won't dance around it. For me, bass is very important, but I don't really feel one outshines the other. Besides, bassists rarely get enough attention. As for the least, I'd say a theremin, but it worked for Star Trek.
  20. TJK.

    My avatar is of me, but I can always post something different.
  21. I cleaned my house and I didn't get shot. Going 0-10,227.
  22. TJK.

    Unless it's a mobile suit, I don't think so. If Pinocchio says 'my nose is going to grow now', would it?
  23. TJK.

    Yeah, in its prime, it was great, even became a mod at one point oddly enough. But alas, it's nothing but a fond memory now. Well thanks, glad to be here
  24. TJK.

    Haha, batsu won't ever see a second wind, plus I miss being on a forum and talking with people about various things.
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