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Everything posted by frayed

  1. frayed

    First 'official' live was had March 1st, reports can be found here and here (this one comes with a setlist). Free CD distribution has begun and more event lives have been announced. Machi also has a session band for an event coming up on April 8th at Shibuya Rex. This session band is comprised of... every member of GreeM lol okay Machi.
  2. frayed

    Does this mean the 'vkei is definitely dying' threads will stop for maybe 5 minutes?
  3. frayed

    Video with some footage from their 'secret' appearance has made its way onto Twitter!
  4. frayed

    So they did two 'secret' appearances at Shibuya Rex on Wednesday and Thursday respectively. They showed off two additional new songs there called 'Cheers!' and 'アガクセイヲ'. They'll be making their first 'official' appearance on March 1st at an event live, and they've announced a ton more of those. Machi also made a mention that they're playing the dates and places where MeteoroiD was originally going to have their one-man tour this spring to coincide with the mini-album release that didn't happen. Meanwhile Genki has been the only member still posting on his MeteoroiD fanclub blog and has said he'll keep it going until the site closes at the end of March.
  5. frayed

    Digging the white lashes look on Tsuzuku (I don't know why but I really like that aesthetic), digging Koichi's look, and I'm going into this knowing full well we'll probably see those looks on them at like, one live, if even that. Meto sported that look last night though and looked phenomenal. Really excited to see Mia in that get-up.
  6. frayed

    I was also super fond of Genki's voice and the eccentric energy he brought to the band. I really hope that this new band can keep the same fun side that MeteoroiD had. I don't know yet how to feel about the preview, but I really want to like it and give this new guy a fair shot.
  7. frayed

    Happy if confused seems to be the general consensus. Really want to know what happened with Genki and who the new singer is.
  8. Fantastic live. I didn't realize until after the fact how long it was though. O.o;;; 27 songs just flew by.
  9. frayed

    Why did I not go to this oh my gooooood I'm so mad at myself THAT SETLIST
  10. frayed

    Hasn't the capital "I" been a thing since he teamed back up with Yoshiki post-cult? (Also I almost guarantee you Yoshiki was the puppet master behind this project.)
  11. frayed

    I am so over mystery bands.
  12. Well, now I can officially say MeteoroiD. The live was amazing but it hit me really hard. The band was so good to their fans and the fans themselves were some of the sweetest people I have ever met. It really was like a family and it's hard saying goodbye.
  13. frayed

    Mejibray's Koichi!
  14. frayed

    Wow, that's a bummer. I'd only seen them once but they were pretty fun.
  15. frayed

    Enough is enough when you are actively harming yourself or others, or making the artist in question uncomfortable. I don't think it's really fair to judge by more than that. It's a rough world, and as hokey as it sounds, life's just too short. If you love something that much, do it. If you don't, not your place to judge. There are some things like the whole practice of demachi that I'm not entirely comfortable with, for example, but I've seen girls do it and a lot of the bands were really cool about it. (Morrigan for example really doesn't seem to mind people approaching them at all, haha, they were so chill with their fans.) If the band doesn't take issue, then I don't see a reason to. Also, again, I really have to vocalize that my experience with people in Japan regarding vkei (who aren't involved in the scene) hasn't been remotely negative. More often than not they either don't anything about it and shrug it off or don't know anything and they're curious about it. To have a stigma would mean it's known enough to have a stigma in the first place. But again, that's just my experience.
  16. frayed

    I don't know that there's been any additional thread for this, but they're doing a fanclub buffet lunch/nomihoudai on January 28th in addition to a two-man show with Pentagon on February 2nd!
  17. frayed

    Loving the subtle shade from Koichi re: plastic surgery
  18. frayed

    I don't know if I'd say it's viewed 'badly'. It's certain not popular, but I wouldn't say it's stigmatized. I mean of course it may depend on the area, but in my own experiences with vkei culture vs. the general public, it's more just seen as another hobby, if an unusual one. When it comes up and I mention having an interest in it I get a lot more curious questions and ooh-ing and aah-ing over the make-up and crazy hair than anything (before immediately losing interest, haha), and that's in both cities I visit and the rural area I live in.
  19. frayed

    No one noticed or no one cares anymore?
  20. Well that's both unexpected and dramatic... so I guess he basically stayed true to the world of vkei to the end?
  21. frayed

    So I like to go to in-stores so I have a nice little stockpile of CDs and such that have been building up. Please take some of these off my hands. If you spend more than $50, I'll throw in a random Mejibray cheki as a bonus! Same with $100, $200 (I really doubt this would happen but you get the idea) These are also all unopened! Yay shiny new things! What's available: - Mejibray, The End to be or Not to Be DVD ( X 2) - Mejibray, The End, Type A ( X 3) - Mejibray, The End, Type B ( X 3) - Mejibray, The End, Regular Edition ( X 5) - Mejibray, Nanaki, Venue Limited Single ( X 5+) - Mejibray, 羽花, Type A ( X 4) - Mejibray, 羽花, Type B ( X 4) - Morrigan, Paradigm Xiss ( X 2)
  22. frayed

    Less of a band and more of a person; gotta admit, couldn't stand Tsuzuku's voice for years. And I mean, I tried more than once. I tried when he was Genki and I heard everyone raving about him and VanessA. I tried again when I was only half paying attention to the scene and Mejibray did a cover of Cage and I legitimately had no idea Tsuzuku and Genki were the same person at that point but I'd heard Mejibray's name pop up and people had good things to say about them, and again, I couldn't handle his voice at all. I was still super iffy when I gave them another shot in 2015 after I moved to Japan. Then on a whim I saw Mejibray was playing like a half an hour away from me so I kind of sighed and said 'why the hell not?' and then somehow I fell in love and it was like I suddenly got the appeal of his voice. Like, when I went back to listened to the music I'd tried before, I could still see why I hadn't liked it then, but now I love it. I say it's because Mejibray is a band that's way better experienced live, although some tiny part of me suspects brainwashing was involved, lol. I'm kind of glad it panned out the way that it did in the long run, though - like I can acknowledge the band's faults and why people wouldn't like them even if they are one of my favorites now. (Honestly what boggles my mind more than haters are 'fans' who say the nastiest stuff about the band, but that's a whole other topic.)
  23. frayed

    I don't really expect a lot of interest since this kind of thing takes a lot of effort to coordinate. But since I should be going to their final live, if any of their overseas fans want to pass along letters/gifts/whatever for MeteoroiD, please drop me a message and I'd be happy to.
  24. frayed

    http://meteoroid-web.com/kaisan.htm Anyone able to translate their comments?
  25. frayed

    Devastated. People can say what they want about the newer releases, but I really enjoyed them, and their lives are some of the best I've been to. I can always count on having a blast with them, and just, ugh. I'm at least hoping no one retires.
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