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Anne Claire

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Everything posted by Anne Claire

  1. Anne Claire

  2. Anne Claire

    I've finally cut my hair, goddamit x'D Before: and after:
  3. Anne Claire

  4. Anne Claire

    Next week going to cut my hair, FUCKING FINALLY
  6. Anne Claire

    黒百合姉妹 – 地中海の夢
  7. Not a fan of LP, but wow that was unexpected
  8. Anne Claire

    光束夜 - 記憶の夢
  9. Anne Claire

    1. BLEACH & 385 (like, c'mon, do i need to say more?) 2. Melt-Banana 3. lloy 4. 八十八ヶ所巡礼 5. 光束夜 6. ミドリ 7. OGRE YOU ASSHOLE 8. downy 9. skillkills 10. Qyubere
  10. Anne Claire

  11. Anne Claire

    In the mood for some death metal today
  12. Anne Claire

    still playin' dis on repeat
  13. Anne Claire

    WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?! THEY'RE STILL ALIVE?!?!?!? YYYYEEEEEEESSSSS MORE QEDDSHIT IN MY LIFE PLZ btw, is it just me that the vocalist looks like Vivian from Gallhammer a lil' bit? o.O
  14. Anne Claire

    I would like to see him perfom Eliphas Levi songs in this suit x'DDD
  15. Anne Claire

    i'm just waitin' for my friend
  16. Anne Claire

    Fuck, i forgot about Yukina(メシアの肖像→L~CYFER(Gt)→Madeth gray'll→Qyubere(Vo)) x'DD Yukina in Madeth gray'll Yukina in Qyubere x'DDD
  17. Anne Claire

    Gene (FINSTERNIS → Medue'obscur → ドレスコード → SectMateria → SectMa(Gene) → (まりお★ねっと)(ジェネ★) → DIS★Marionette → (期間限定ジェネ★ソロ・プロジェクト「ドラッグ」) → DEVI+TEC→Sick2) Medue'obscur (SectMateria) (Sick²) I'm also a lil' bit surprised that no one had mentioned exist†trace yet. This is exist†trace in 2006 And that's how they look now. Feel old yet?
  18. Anne Claire

    nostalgia time
  19. Anne Claire

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy theeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee, long time no see, right? xD
  20. Anne Claire

    Gothic progressive shoegaze? How is that suppose to work, i wonder xD Anyway, i'm looking forward to this project. Let's hope it's gonna be some dope stuff.
  21. Anne Claire

    Vk version of insane clown posse?!
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