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Everything posted by IGM_Oficial

  1. IGM_Oficial

    Ah, I see
  2. IGM_Oficial

    Yes, months ago The flyer says it will be released on the winter
  3. For me, the browser inspector has only one function: find images I can't access directly.

  4. Man, this sucks. I'll miss this more than most bands out there. #Justiceforicecream
  5. IGM_Oficial

    Not even this one?
  6. IGM_Oficial

    inb4 they disband before this ends
  7. IGM_Oficial

    What a cool inspiration for the name of a single
  8. IGM_Oficial

    The vocalist is in a solo project
  9. IGM_Oficial

    a n t i c i p a t i o n
  10. Mangaka Masanori Morita did the drawings on the cover
  11. IGM_Oficial

    Release date is December 18
  12. IGM_Oficial

    So, they changed the whole thing?
  13. IGM_Oficial

    The other song from the single
  14. So, did (Kabu) Dreaman disband or what?
  15. IGM_Oficial

    They created their Weibo account today
  16. IGM_Oficial

    So, four months ago (yes, I'm retarded), I did a little shopping spree to buy my birthday presents. So, here are them: comics from DC and Disney, a "Suicide squad" DVD (again: you can't judge me), a light novel and, mainly, a headphone. The headphone is from JBL. When I first tested it, I was instantly amazed with the quality of the sound. Also, it's the first time ever I'm using something wireless. I've opened my mind about this and it's been actually pretty useful.
  17. I wonder where he did get inspiration for this name ~cough~
  18. IGM_Oficial

    A single each two months? That's new.
  19. IGM_Oficial

    They started their own channel
  20. My bet is that it's a single in four types. Or a live-limited single which will be distributed during this tour. This sort of means that the song is kayoukyoku-style.
  21. IGM_Oficial

    What about a band entirely formed of people who love cats to the point they have to bring one to their photoshoot
  22. IGM_Oficial

    Looks like they recycled "Shadan"
  23. IGM_Oficial

    The use of synths is pretty cool. Also: did you notice that this is their first music video ever without release info on it? I mean... isn't this cool?
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