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Everything posted by Nagisa

  1. Nagisa

  2. Nagisa

  3. Nagisa

  4. Nagisa

  5. Nagisa

  6. Nagisa

    Funny, I thought those were two of the best songs on NIL. I wish they would release a compilation album with Hankou Seimeibun, Madara, and Gama.
  7. Nagisa

  8. Nagisa

  9. Nagisa

  10. Nagisa

  11. Nagisa

    I thought this single was pretty average, but the guitar work was improved from DOGMA. UGLY - I think this is a catchy track that reminds me of the singles from the TOXIC era. The guitar solo was the highlight for me, and I really liked the melodic parts too. A lot better than FADELESS. It didn't blow me away but I still like it. The mix of heavy and melodic parts was actually done okay on this track, unlike for most of the songs on DOGMA. DEPRAVITY - I don't like the mix of clean and dirty vocals here. This track sounds like DOGMA filler to me. The part where Ruki is breathing hard was weird. The vocals are just so-so, but at least the guitars were nice. I hate to say this but the best parts are when Ruki isn't singing. GODDESS - This sounded like GRUDGE to me. I wish the GazettE had done an actual ballad instead of adding heavier elements to the song. Honestly even QUIET was better than this, and that wasn't even a great ballad. This single doesn't really introduce anything new. The B-sides sound like they came from DOGMA. Usually I like B-sides more than lead tracks, but that is not the case here. Hopefully UNDYING is better.
  12. Nagisa

  13. Nagisa

  14. Nagisa

  15. Nagisa

  16. Nagisa

  17. Nagisa

  18. Nagisa

    I also really like Dainihon Itangeishateki Noumiso Gyaku Kaiten Zekkyou Ongenshuu even though it is a compilation. For albums NIL is definitely second. I don't think their sound in Disorder is really polished but there were definitely still some nice tracks in there.
  19. Discovering a favorite new band only to find out that they've disbanded. It happened to me with Kagrra in 2012.
  20. Nagisa

  21. Nagisa

  22. Nagisa

  23. Nagisa

  24. I've never dated before so I'm not sure about my preferences since everything is still theoretical. I think nationality would be more important to me though; I would never date anyone with the same nationality as me. As long as they know Japanese I would be open to it I think. Also I wouldn't date someone whose mother tongue is English.
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