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Posts posted by Puriwate

  1. Yeah you can really hear it in this cover. It actually surprised me how interesting the guitar really is. I guess they made it too muddy to notice? 


  2. Awesome thoughts guys X3


    and i wonder if they really will announce and release a 10th album before the depression to _______ tours and the best of album... i know its not unprecedented for them to release albums on a two year cycle. Idk it feels sort of too soon to be feasible?

  3. Wtd., vulgar, uroboros, unraveling i liked all of the songs


    Dss, arche, marrow, six ugly, kisou i like most of the songs


      I think diabolos was better as a demo, without the 4 minute repeat


      Deeper vileness is kind of boring


      I don't like domestic fucker family


    Macabre and missa had to grow on me


    I can't talk about my one thought on gauze because its sacred and i will be murdered lol but i liked that one as well c:

  4. I agree with all of this except utafumis vocals sound way more vk to me than metal personally... More (punk style?) yelling than death growls and shrieking, which was basically dss in a nutshell iirc. It sounds way easier on his voice either way thank god. But yeah i just hear obscure, marmalade, new age type yelling than the dss type screams and growls but thats just my experience 

  5. 7 hours ago, EvilHippy said:

    Received Utafumi today.
    It's awesome, if a bit short.
    Sugizo collab is awesome and I prefer it over original.
    RoM remix is, suprisingly, a good standalone track! Maybe this kind of remixes are my favourite, but I didn't expect that I'll like it. But I did.
    Overall I'm very satisfied with this single and also that I've preordered it.

    Thank god, i thought i was alone in this XD

  6. Kukoku actually sounds boring to me without the violin added... Sad to see no one else enjoyed it


    The live i hated tho lol

  7.  reminded me of vulgar as much as utafumi, i kind of assumed they were using tefutefu as a sort of test for whatever the new album will sound like, and thats why ita a bonus disc song. I think its great but i also feel like it belongs on arches bonus disc and in the live performances. Kind of like rasetsukoku was on dss bonus and got played live plenty but ofc that was a remake

  8. I love hearing this evolution of their pseudo symphonic sounds they had started with the symphonic remixes and fleshed out in arche. People who are saying the slow interlude is some 'disjointed idea' didn't hear the kukoku no kyouon esque electronics in both choruses. I wonder if the new album will go full on electricore and have a new member TAKUMI announced on keyboard XD

  9. Like i said earlier, i think its structured similarly and is a natural progression of ideas but it was definitely not recorded with arche. The recording sessions were about 2 years apart almost. It sounds very fresh to me personally but most of the mids are drowned out by the quality of the recordings we have right now. It will be more obviously new sounding when you can actually hear the other 40% of the instruments. Its not a leftover it is a progression is what im getting at. 

  10. Actually i think the way he yells with varied voices like on vulgar instead of just deep deep growls then high high screams like on dss and uroboros is what makes iy sound so much like the old vk crazy vocal style. Its like he tried it a little on arche but now it seems like the next album will sound way more visual kei and less metal than any of the last 4 albums

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