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Posts posted by Kiba

  1. Malice Mizer - It was the 1st J-Rock band I listened to. Glad that Mana created Moi dix Mois afterwards. I still listen to Merveilles album all the time.


    D'espairsRay - This band was my favorite band for the longest time until I found out they disbanded. I am more a fan of there older stuff though.


    Rentrer en Soi - As soon as I found out they disbanded, I ordered the greatest hit album as soon as it was available.


    Megaromania - Really glad most of the members joined Lin and didn't retire.


    Dio - Was hoping that VII Sense would have a similar feel to the music but sadly that band disbanded as well.

  2. I have only been to two J-Rock concerts both in the US. The 1st one I went to was Dir en grey in Nov. 2008, and the most recent one was Kamijo which was yesterday. My fondest or most interesting memories of those two concerts was when Kyo from Dir en grey during one of his songs grinded his mic against the mini-stage he was standing on causing a loud grinding sound of metal on metal and Kamijo doing a 3 song encore at the end.

  3. Just joined today. Was a long time member for another J-Pop/J-Rock forum but most of the topics there are nearly dead. Signed up for Monochrome Heaven as soon as I noticed that it was much more active post wise. Have loved J-Rock since I was in high school. Current favorite bands are Buck-Tick and Kiryuu.

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