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Posts posted by shinkirou

  1. Woah! Great to see another old friend of mine register here!

    How've you been dude?

    Also, looking forward to seeing what you share!


    I've been ok. Working my ass off as a glorified babysitter at work now. Musically, I'm finding myself completely out of the loop. I follow all my currently active fave artists on social media, but I just don't have the time nowadays to go digging for good new artists. Hah, one the cons of getting older and having more responsibility.


    As for what I can share, we'll see. I know I'm gonna make use of the marketplace. I have a few CD's I wanna offload. And maybe someone out there would want some issues of Fool's Mate and Shoxx from the late 90's early 00's.

  2. Welcome!! Glad you decided to join! Lovely to have you on board and I hope you enjoy your time here~

    It's totally fine not to give out any info, no worries. But dayum, you've been a listener for so long!!

    I do have one question if that's okay. Any favourite bands/singers we might know of? ;D Always nice to get to know everyone!

    Awesome avi btw~ Too bad the artist is deceased, his work will never be forgotten though. Dat film franchise!


    Thanks, and yes, I've been listening for quite a while. Hard to believe it'll be 20 years in a few years time.  Anyway as for favorite artists...wow that's a long list. If they were big in the mid to late 90's-early 00's, I was probably listening to them. Short list: kuroyume, Luna Sea, Buck-Tick, Malice Mizer etc etc. I obviously have more than that (including non-VK), but those are just off the top of my head. Hah, maybe I should include a link to my last.fm profile.


    As for my avi, thanks. I'm a big fan of Giger and the Alien films.

  3. I've known about this place for a long while, but finally decided to join because I thought this would be the place to keep in mind when I start trying to get rid of some of my more obscure Japanese CD's. 


    I'm not gonna say how old I am, but let's just say that I was just out of high school when I got into jrock (waaaay back in 1998).

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