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Posts posted by kurorockdude

  1. I love BORN. I really do! I bought all 3 of their first PSCompany releases. That being said... DOGMA was freaking horrible!!! BORN are capable of SO MUCH BETTER. I listened to the songs on youtube and the only good one was Red Desire. The others were Scream scream, palm mute chugging... scream. I'm a huge fan of Ryouga. I'd sooner listen to his clean voice than his screams, which are both really great. When used the right way and in moderation. BORN's songs like Innocent Bullet, Karasu, MY SWEET BLACK, The Fragrance Noise, Felony and NEO SCREAM are my favourites because the instrumentals are great and varied and Ryouga has such a great balance of clean and screaming vocals. Dogma pretty much all sounded the same when it came to being "heavy"

    1/5 for me. BORN can do so much better. They're still my favourite indie-psc band, but they need to get their $hit together before their next release. Which I recommend be after August so they have some time to rejuvenate the flare that the first 3 mini's had. K and Ray, you've got some work to do.

  2. Well this is pleasant news indeed! The title's pretty cool. I think it's also a little funny. Perhaps it's foreshadowing what will happen to SCREW if their next single doesn't make it to the oricon major charts. Also it can be taken in a pervy sense too.

    My first SCREW song was Kairos and SCREW was my first visual kei band so I've been happy with all their releases.

    I've good hopes for this single.

  3. Hahaha Wow so much ViViD hate! I'm a little surprised, but not at all bothered by it. I personally love ViViD. I think that Reno is definitely one of the most skilled guitarists I've ever listened to. His solo's combine intense speed with emotional melodies. I truly enjoy his playing. Shin's voice too is one of the reasons I really enjoy listening to ViViD. One of the reasons I listen to Jrock/ Visual Kei despite the fact that I don't understand the language very well is the voice of the singers. I like Shin's voice because he can sing softly, high and low. He even raps...decent( for a VK singer :P ). He has a very powerful voice in my opinion. The other members make a great combination too. Ryouga's solo's although not a technical as Reno's are still a pleasure to listen to and provide evidence that he's a more than capable guitarist. Ko-Ki's drumming isn't mind-blowing but he is a good drummer none the less. He can keep time :P and that's pretty much the most basic role of a drummer. He doesn't suck. IV who apparently is the composer of songs like Take-Off and Dear is a great composer in my opinion. His bass playing is really good too. Although he did very little in Across the Border, in songs like Trail of Tears, 星ノ雨 his bass playing really shines. Another reason I'm quite fond of ViViD besides their music is the band itself. The members all seem like really great people! After watching their comment videos (particularly the Across the Border special comments) it's easy to really like this band as people. They all love having fun and you can tell they put effort in what they love to do. They're so humourous and fun to watch. Versus SCREW who (despite being my first and favourite visual kei band) seem to be so unenthusiastic and bored. The fact is I really enjoy the music ViViD makes and I can't wait for this new release :D Just my opinion... not trying to push it on anyone.

  4. SCREW's preview for INFERIORITY COMPLEX Sounds epic!!!!! Duality is gonna be an epic album :D

    The PV for Duality looks alright, but it doesn't seem to be anything special. I'd prefer if it had some sort of storyline here's the link for their website. Check out the previews. http://www.indie-psc.com/screw/disco/index.html Seriously though. Inferiority sounds nothing like I've ever heard from SCREW. I really wish that this was the PV track.

  5. SCREW's preview for INFERIORITY COMPLEX Sounds epic!!!!! Duality is gonna be an epic album :D

    The PV for Duality looks alright, but it doesn't seem to be anything special. I'd prefer if it had some sort of storyline here's the link for their website. Check out the previews. http://www.indie-psc.com/screw/disco/index.html Seriously though. Inferiority sounds nothing like I've ever heard from SCREW. I really wish that this was the PV track.

  6. Sujk form DELUHI. seeing him drum in revolver blast was crazy! and D=OUT"s drummer, he has really good drumming for their jazzy songs. and kimon! gawd I love the drumming in the verse of that song. Also Jin from ScReW when he get's the chance to do some crazy fast drumming. ex. anaphylaxis. In none japanese music I'd say. Escape the fates drummer. nothing mind blowing but truly enjoyable never the less.

  7. Cocklobin definitely. I mean I thought that b's and v's were used as the same letter as in japanese like l's and r's. So first time I saw that name, it was cock lovin to me. AND THAT IS SIIICK haha

    and that one vanilla band with the weird typset??? What's up with that!?

  8. My Sweet Black - Well when I heard the preview for this song I was seriously upset. It just seemed so uninteresting. I was dead wrong! I love the song now. The prechorus is the best part of the song. That being said, the whole song is still pretty good. It has a danceable drum beat that I really like and the chorus seems a bit sinister. I could imagine dirty things happening in a music video for this (cough ScReW's Gather Roses cough) I'm new to BORN but after hearing felony I was very interested. I'm glad this song doesn't dissappoint.

    more Deep- The intro is awesome!! This a song that could totally pump me up for doing a run or biking trails. The verse was really nice too. I like the lead guitar riffs during it. The prechorus fits in so well with the chorus! I love it in VK when the singer whispers random stuff. The chorus was great and the favourite of all the previews. The solo's good too. And the bridge(?) was really nice, it would be awesome to see this song done live. My favourite song on this mini album.

    Ruisai No Hana- I liked a lot. My favourite parts were the chorus and the rapping parts of the verse. Unfortunately this time the vocalist made it more melodic, I liked it better when his voice was filled with some kind of contempt as if he was snarling the lyrics. I still prefer the new recording than the old one. I really like the bass in this song. It really flows nicely during the song especially during the rapping part. The solo was good, but nothing mind blowing. The chorus is really good and I could really hear the emotion behind the vocalists. A lot of times, vocalists emotional gasps during singing are annoying but not very much in this case. I really like the song.

    ranshi°C - This song kind of screamed...GIRUGAMESH to me if I ignored the differences in the voices of Ryouga and Satoshi. The chorus has a nice beat though. My least favourite song of the mini-album

    All in all, it was a good release and debut on indie psc! Glad they finally joined the pscompany family. I can't wait for Black Theory Mania!! I <3 Innocent Bullet!! after felony and the fragance noise it's my favourite song! By the way the album covers are really intense!! I love them all.

  9. I was reading a few reviews and stuff and I came a across a comment on the Girugamesh Color review. Some guy said it sounded like a UVERworld and then went on to bash UVERworld. Now I'm sure that I can't be the only VK fan who also likes UVERworld, YUI, FLOW and all those other mainstream bands. So I'm just interested, do you like or hate UVERworld and if so, why?

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