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Everything posted by -NOVA-

  1. -NOVA-

  2. lol the gt. played off the fall XD his vocals are pretty good atleast judging from those 5 seconds lol
  3. I never understood what SE means anyone care to enlighten me ?
  4. -NOVA-

    Not their strongest release but i like it just sounds really different from their usual stuff
  5. -NOVA-

    No point in doing a survey theres only one country that matters #SorryNotSorry
  6. Golden Bomber on one <3 


  7. -NOVA-

    i can respect that decision although without the context on the surface it comes off the wrong way </3 oh well wish him the best <3
  8. sounds so promising, hellyes !!!!! @Yukimoto What you think?
  9. -NOVA-

    So i tried foobar and had it all set and something went wrong and it kept reseting everything So im using Winamp at the moment and its working fine Thank you
  10. -NOVA-

    So I've always used itunes to sort and organize my music but its always been really slow and i figured it was just my laptop at the time. I just built a pc a couple months back and itunes still runs slow and after some research I found out that itunes isn't optimized for windows so it will always run slow. So I want to know what my fellow windows users use to sort and play music. Preferably something that can also make sorting music easyer. Thank you
  11. had no idea 止マヌ雨 had an MV so zeal link it is xD
  12. -NOVA-

    ^Damm that sucks... i mean they're disbanding at this point they might as well release all the tracks ... sigh
  13. -NOVA-

    oh thats good i thought they parted in bad terms ^^
  14. -NOVA-

    Yay 4 new songs xD and 2 man with Deviloof omg I wonder if itll be kinda awkward for Ryuya since he ditched Deviloof for DIMLIM
  15. AllS will go live @9:00 JST on Youtube (AllS Official Channel) and Line Live if anyone is interested #Record it plz <3


  16. -NOVA-

    I've always thought of vk as something not exclusive to Japan. The reasons i believe western vk gets so much dissaproval is because for the most part people that attempt vk that are non Japanese come off as cringy or just not as good when compared to vk bands from Japan. Elitists will argue vk is exclusive to Japan but i dont think so. When it comes to vk Japan does it best but that does not mean no one else should attempt it. Western vk bands arent as common... but if we truely want to see vk grow we should encourage those that do attempt vk. Visual-kei has several influences from other subgenres and it ended up adding its own unique aesthetic and became something new. If people had shun vk for taking influences several years ago it wouldnt have become what it is today. Im happy to hear Yoshiki's stance on this. Thanks for sharing this
  17. -NOVA-

    so the original got taken down but they re-uploaded it
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