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Posts posted by clear1985

  1. @ricchu


    LOL もっと投稿してこのスレをひっぱってくださいよ。




    Hi acbpn,


    Are you saying you are Japanese?


    No offense, but I can't really tell if you are Japanese,,, judging by your post here.


    You are claiming that you are a teacher's assistant in China, and you don't speak Japanese in China. So, what do you teach then?


    Maybe you've been overseas for a long time, or you were tired when you wrote the comment above, but still your post isn't something teachers would post. It's kind of illogical.

  2. Every country has its own good and bad things, however; sometimes it's hard to see what it looks like from the outside.


    Especially Japan is an island, so most Japanese are sheltered to some extent. As for myself, I grew up in a strange family, so I wasn't that sheltered.


    Anyways, I'm 28 year-old Japanese who has lived in Japan, the USA, and China. Currently in China. But, still I may fail to see good and bad things about Japan.


    I won't be offended even if you post something provocative here. I'd like to hear your frank and honest opinions on this one.




  3. clear, there are girls who are really into Asian men, just look at the visual kei fans. Look at tumblr. People often reblog photos, just because there's an Asian person on them XD. Just because someone on the internet says something, it doesn't mean it's true. You just have to find the right group of people. I know girls who get attracted to the type of men I wouldn't even look at, many girls, they like manly, muscled guys... I don't. It really depends on the personal taste and the guy too, of course. There are more and less attractive people everywhere (but I know girls who would date just anyone, because he's Asian... maybe except old men, lol). I wouldn't have a chance with Asian men, though, because I'm not skinny and all these Asian girls look so pretty D:


    It's interesting to know that most Japanese men don't like hentai, actually. Japan is known abroad for the weird porn XD. How can you explain that stuff? Do people film it as a joke? The octopus porn, for example? Because I can't imagine someone may get turned on by this... it rather looks funny to me.


    LOL Like you said, the answer to your question depends on the individual. Only a very few people are crazy about Hentai that seems to turn them on. There are cetainly demands for "specific goods" always. Who likes the Human Centipede for real? And yet, they were able to make a sequel. LOL "Specific goods." Hentai is one of them. Japan is a free country when it comes to porn because Japan is rigidly and extraordinary structured, so people need something crazy. JAV and Hentai are NOT real. We all know that. But, again, Japan is structured. In this regard, Japan is harsher than any other country IMO. If you go off the rails a bit, you can't return to society.[if you are an office worker.] One mistake can kill your career for life. So, some Japanese men need something eccentric to stay sane. It's very stressful. The same can be said for S.Korea and China.


    Koreans, Chinese. They don't forget. Seriously. There are reasons for having highest sucide rates. Who cares about the history now? It's in the past alreay. We all do make mistakes. Things were different back then. Japan was nuked twice by the USA, and yet almost no Japanese hates the USA like ”some” Chinese and Koreans do to us. 


    My favorite visual kei? X Japan.



    Cartoon porn sets too high standards for women who want to have sex in dark under the covers in missionary position in all silence.


    LMAO, nothing but a fallacy! Come on, clearly not every Japanese likes Hentai! TBF, very few Japanese like Hentail for real. Cartoon porn or something as you put. Hentai Japanese account for less than 1 percent of the total population seriously. Come on!!!


    I don't understand all these childish moans of Asian girls, that's not even attractive to me (I'm not straight) o_O. Asian guys - yes, I like them a lot. Asian girls - no no no. Too childish, too cutesy.


    LOL. You just made an argument against the fact that Asian men are unpopular.



  5. そうですね。。この間日本人の交換留学生と交流してる時先生に「敬語をどんどん使ってね!!」と言われて、結局ずいぶん違和感がある経験になってしまいました (>_<) 笑、敬語は教室で練習として使うならいいけどね。




    日常用語を覚えておいたらやっぱり役立ちますねw じゃ、中国人との会話はいつも英語でしますか?




    実は僕が住んでるシンガポールでも、ここで生まれ育った中華系シンガポール人とここに移住された中国人との間で軋轢が数年前からずっと高まってきた (>_<) 確かに、文化的な違いがいっぱいあるという点が僕も良く分かるんです lol.





    LOL 確かに。シンガポール人と中国人じゃ全然違うでしょ。俺の経験からすると全然違う。シンガポール人は中国人じゃないでしょ、”中国系”だといえるけど。日本人にも、シンガポール人はうけがいいんじゃない?シンガポールは進んでる、できる人の集まる場所だって、俺の周りの日本人には言われてる。





  6. ああごめん、日本人がほとんどいないっていうのは中国じゃなくてこのフォーラムです  :lolita_angry:




    おお。日本人かと思った。笑 お上手な日本語ですね。






    LOL 中国には来ないほうがいいかもしれませんね。お金持ちの中国人は、みんな国外に移住しているようです。特に、北京は空気が汚すぎて、外に出ても、気分が悪くなるだけですから。。。南の中国や、大連などは、まだ空気が北京よりはだいぶましと聞きます。。。


    So, you can handle three languages? That's awesome. LOL Me, not possible anytime soon.


    BTW, what I've posted on other threads may have been a bit too provocative, but I'm just an honest guy. No offense to you, plus, like I posted, I don't hate the Chinese. Some of my best friends in college were Chinese for real. I still stay in touch with them. I'll meet one of them soon here in China.

  7. lol! 今中国で働いてるんですか?





    LOL 日本人?






  8. HOOOOO !! REAL JAPANESE ?? I LOVE YOU GUYS !!! = ^__^ =


    (Sorry to be annoying, but I couldn't prevent myself  X3 )


    I didn't know there was japanese people on Monochrome Heaven :o


    It's soooo cool :3 !


    The ones who have posted before me here are not Japanese. I can tell. LOL

    Anyways, As for myself, an awesome user named TrentReznor invited me to join this site. He and I are friends in real life. LOL


    I love you too, where are you from? Do you speak Japanese? If so, try me. :lolita_happy:


    @Metoichi @Gaz


    Nande Nihonjin Ga Suki Desuka?





    I'm a fucking Gaijin in China. :lolita_angry:

  9. Yes - but Im chinese, Japanese and Chinese people arent so different. Cultures are very similar,


    As a child I was told an ancient tale about how the Chinese emperor back then (and we are talking millions of years ago) sent out soldiers or conscripts to find him something that would make him immortal so he could rule China forever, He also said that if any of them were to return empty handed that they would be executed...


    Obviously none of the soldiers or conscripts returned to the emperor and thus how Japan was born and why the cultures are similar, not forgetting Japanese Kanji of course. If you can read chinese then you would have no trouble getting around town in Japan. 


    Unfortunately there seems to be a growing hatred between Japan & China given their history and its come to a point where the Japanese are more racist towards Chinese then black people who visit Japan - This is according to a friend who's just returned from a trip there (and yes, hes black) Ive heard parts of Japan can be extremely racist but when their hate is directed at the Chinese who are of the same colour and more than likely from the same ancestry it becomes a little extreme.



    Welcome to Civilisation 2013


    I'm Japanese who has lived in Japan, the USA, and China. Currently in China. I'm Japanese. No other option for me. I'm proud to be Japanese. I love my country.


    Hm.... Chinese and Japanese culture are similar, only when we compare ours to the rest of the world. Seriously Japanese and Chinese are totally different.


    About the relation between China and Japan, it's true. Some Japanese would openly discriminate against Chinese these days, and vice versa. That isn't only because of the political situation. It's because Chinese and Japanese culture are very different.


    In short, Chinese are in general more friendly, but they are just sloppy. Chinese just don't care about anything. Easy to live in China. Japanese are in general extremely polite, and meticulous, which means Japanese are extremely strict. Very hard to live in Japan as Japanese. Social pressure is just ridiculously strong. No joke.


    I don't hate the Chinese. I really like some of my Chinese friends here for real. But, I hate the government. China isn't the best country to settle down even for the Chinese.

  10. I'm Japanese. I haven't read the article, but I've heard something like that. Been overseas for the last couple of years, so I don't really know exactly what's going on there.


    I'm 28, I grew up in Kanto, from my experience, Japanese in my generation lose their virginity too early, like most of them lose it in middle school. Some of my friends even got pregnant in middle school. They chose to have an abortion.


    When I told my German friend about this, he told me that most Germans lose it at almost the same time. So, I'm not sure if that's early or not, but in my book that's early.


    Maybe most of you are from the USA or Europe or something. You may not know about it. So, I'd like to point out that this is a common issue in Asian countries. I believe Japanese women are the least conservative women at least in Asia or "east" Asia[Japan, Korea, China]. You guys may say that's not true, you may say like you've dated a Vietnamese girl, and it was awesome. Of course, there are exceptions, but those who want to hang out with foreigners are liberal in the first place. You can't generalize it.


    At least, Chinese are not like THAT. I know very well because I have to deal with them everyday. They are square, uptight I say. For me, It is just easier to get laid in Japan, while it's extremely hard here in China unless I pay for it. I don't reveal my identity here in priciple BTW, I always pretend to be an American for my safety's sake. Been here almost a year, never gotten laid TBH. Time to leave this country. LOL


    Anyways, I highly doubt that Japanese are not interested in sex. Of course they ARE. All they think about is sex, however; like some others have pointed out, Japan is extremely structured, and people are judgmental, which makes things difficult.


    Japanese society has a lot of problems obviously...

  11. Thanks for writing!


    Your comment puts my mind at ease to some degree. You are really able to understand this whole thing I think.


    Agreed. Not dating anyone can be positive for sure. Being single has positive effects.


    Allow me to explain. The thing is, to me, working in China had been very easy until the new project started because Chinese are very sloppy, rightly or wrongly. No offense to Chinese, you know, but this is so true. Every foreigner from Europe or the USA or Japan or S.Korea says the same thing. China is too big to be meticulous. However, this new project requires the meticulousness. I need to be careful all the time, which means it's very stressful now. So, now I need a GF to go on living in China for my mental health's sake. Before that, going out drinking with friends or something was enough, but not anymore. Seriously last Monday, I went to that office where I used to work 5 days a week, and then my boss told me that I don't have to go there anymore out of the blue, which is why I didn't even know that I can't go there anymore until then!!! That Chinese girl didn't know either. And now she and I can't meet anymore.


    On top of it, just talking with her and my friends in that office has kept me alive in China TBH, but now I can't even meet TrentReznor. It's just hard to put aside my feelings here. I loved to talk with them, and my co-workers there.


    Living in China has never been easy for me. I don't speak the language, and I won't ever learn it. Learning Chinese? Not an option. Just it doesn't feel right. Plus, the relation between Japan and China is awful all the time. Chinese in general don't like Japanese, and vice versa.


    Anyways, Nyasagi, thank you very much for taking time to read my rant!!!!!!!!! I appreciate it!!!!!!

  12. @Tetora


    Thanks, bro.


    We are from Beijing. I've never been a racist, and I never will. hm. But, seriously I can't see Chinese women as a potential girlfriend. She was an exception. The only exception.


    The thing is,,,,,


    Been here almost a year though, she is the only one who I asked out in China in all honesty. Maybe the end is near. Maybe time to leave this country for good. The fact that I can't meet her anymore has made me miserable here.




    Thanks for the comment. You seem to have analyzed my situation, feelings, and personality very well. LOL As you pointed out, I think I have an addictive personality. hm. Right. But, did I have some expectations towards her?


    One thing I really can't stand is high expectations, so I always try not to be judgmental. Asking someone out doesn't count as expextations in my book. LOL


    Well, it's not that easy to find Chinese who can speak fluent English. Her English is getting better day by day. I loved to see that. No one else can make me feel the way she does. I really loved to talk with her, which is why I'm depressed now for real.

  13. Only TrentReznor and she and I know what exactly has happened.


    Yesterday she told me she got a new job. I'm so depressed. I knew she is quitting, but I didn't think it would happen this early.


    Yesterday was my last day at that office, and yet she didn't come because she had job interviews, which means we can't meet anymore. I missed the chance to say goodbye in person.


    She is my mentor, friend, and the one who I trust, respect, and admire. It hurts when she sent me messages saying she will miss me TWICE via wechat.[Chinese whatsapp] I really enjoyed talking with her. I will miss that so badly.


    I feel melancholy very badly. This thing reminds me of when I had to leave the USA, even though I'm staying here. Life is fucking hard.


    She is quitting and moving, and I've been extremely busy lately.


    That's life, shit happens, time is the only solution, but still hurts...

  14. Quoting sucks here, so I'll just number the replies to the paragraphs I quoted.


    1. Maybe she doesn't want to date? Not all people are interested in it (temporarily or permanently).

    2. Lol, when I'm really not interested, I'm really not interested. Don't assume things. In some situations women may change their minds, but it isn't always the case. When someone is totally not my type, I won't change my mind, no matter what. It depends on the person, don't push anyone into anything just because you think they may do what you want, eventually. This is wrong.

    3. If I was your boss and I noticed you manipulate me, I'd calm down, smile, thank for the compliment and give you more work.

    4. That's creepy. Don't talk to girls like that, dude... unless you're dating someone for a long time and you're very close. Marriage and shit? I'd run away if someone did that to me, unless I was really attracted to the guy, but she obviously isn't attracted to you, so you probably scared her away by that.


    No offense, I may be wrong (because it's just the internet), but you sound a bit clingy in your posts and assume you can solve everything by complimenting people. While compliments are nice, they're worth anything only if you're honest, not when you're using these as a method to get what you want. That's not what compliments are for, really. Sometimes you just can't get something. Sad, but true. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves and you shouldn't get bitter about it. That's not about their nationality, but about the right to make their own choices.


    Well, what I wrote might be completely incomprehensible to some people, but it’s a true story. This isn’t the internet BS. Ask TrentReznor, he now knows who she is. LOL

    1. Might be right. She is just weird.
    2. Right. So, you admit that there’s always possibility that she may change her mind. Having said that, I won’t ask her out anymore. I’m not that stupid. I like her, regardless of her wishes, which is why I care about her.
    3. LOL.
    4. Well, listen, sis. Some people are very practical. If they get rejected, there would be attitude changes. Like some of them even stop saying “Hello”. I don’t wanna be one of them. I wanna keep my words. Come on, sis, women get my jokes in principle.
    5. Well. Agreed. I didn’t say like that, compliments are a perfect solution for everything. What I meant was, it seems to work well most of the time. Anyway, you have no idea who I’m dealing with.


    except attraction works same way for both genders, and being immediately mutually attracted is more of an exception, not a rule. you might like the girl, but she might not see you as a dating material completely and that won't change at all, no matter how long you'll be bugging her.


    girls get same amount of rejection and fall in love without getting anything in return, but they don't generally make a fucking big deal out of it and move on.



    like seriously you have a language and cultural barrier separating the two of you, and you're completely excluding any other options (looking for a Chinese partner who would be speaking your native language, for example?) wtf


    When did I say that? LOL I won’t stick with her. You know, the thing that surprised me the most about this thing was that I actually liked that Chinese girl. I never saw it coming. I had always thought I wouldn’t ever consider a Chinese woman a romantic partner until I met her. The relation between China and Japan is that bad. There is a possibility that no one in my family would come to the wedding except for my bro if I “accidentally” marry a Chinese woman. LOL

  15. Lol, give us the play by play, how did the convo go and how did you ask her out?

    And after you get turned down once you cant ask again unless the relationship between you changes. If you ask her when nothing has changed the response will be the same.


    If I talk about it, TrentReznor might find out who she is. LOL He and I are pals in real life BTW. Hmmm In my head, asking someone out on a date isn’t a big deal. She is pretty. She should have been asked out many times, which means it should have been nothing special for her. And I know she doesn’t have a bf because she told me so. Then why did she get upset, which is my question.




    Clearly you do care, otherwise you would have moved on. I have an idea of why she instantly said no which I'll get into later. But for now let's continue.


    Mistake numero uno. Never do that. Romance doesn't work like that in real life. In the movies, the man can try again and again and eventually the woman will "see the error of her ways and turn around" because the movie requires a happy ending. In real life, no means no means no and there's nothing you can do to change that.



    Because she said no already and you didn't get the message? I had a girl who would do the same thing (usually while drunk) and would never get the message. I ended up having to avoid her because she didn't comprehend the meaning of no.


    Because she's afraid you're going to ask her out again probably.




    No one but her can answer this question. Unfortunately for you, she's not talking to you anymore. So you may never get the actual reason why she said no. Here are a few reasons I can come up with:

    • She's not attracted to you.
    • She thinks you might be creepy because you confused persistence with crossing boundaries.
    • She might be afraid of what her parents would think. Especially if she's from that culture, her parents may not approve of her dating people that aren't Chinese. In this case it's not just a Chinese thing. I've seen Indian, Japanese, Korean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Caucasian, Black, etc. parents who feel the same way. As I said before, there's nothing you can do to change that mindset of hers/her parents.
    The bold is what I think it is. If you spent a lot of time around her before she stopped talking to you, you should have gotten an idea about her, her family background, and if you had a shot in the first place before you went for it. If you don't know this, you tried too early. If you did know this and you went anyway, I'm not going to commend your tenacity. Just...don't. There are 3.5 billion women in the world. If this one says no, try another one.



    Well. I thought Walk the Line was a true story. Scientifically speaking, women and men are different. This isn’t a sexism remark. The fact is that women think, act, and live differently. For men, relationship is quite simple. When we first see women, we know like them or not, and it won’t ever change. However, for women, it doesn’t work that way.



    It should be a compliment that she was asked out on a date, right?



    Care to elaborate? I mean, like my boss is a woman currently, and she has a temper. The best way to calm her down is, to tell her that she is beautiful. It works all the time. I tell her she is beautiful, she looks good today, then that’s it, problem solved. Again, this isn't a sexism remark. We all know that we all have to be an ass-kisser sometimes to keep things smooth.



    She thinks you might be creepy because you confused persistence with crossing boundaries.


    This might be the case. LOL I constantly told her she is beautiful, and marry me or something like that because... Oh,,, Another thing that I need to mention here is, her English isn't that good, which is why I needed to use simply words, otherwise she can't understand it. Since I don't speak Chinese at all, we have to communicate with each other in English. For her, it might be hard to speak English. She used to reply to me nicely though, I mean, she was trying at least, I can tell,,,… I’m her friend, she said. 



    No means no, not try again later. Also did you just spontaneously ask this random girl out? Or have you known her from work/class/etc?


    I don’t recall when exactly I first met her, but it should be like March or April this year. Well, I have to constantly meet her for some reason. Twice a week ATM.


    I'm done today, but I may be able to add more in the future. Thanks for the comments, guys.

  16. well seing the full picture it could be really a "chinese" girl thing...in China is not easy for a chinese girl have a japanese boyfriend...so that may be also a strong reason...even if she likes u, once she starts thinking about what family and friends are gonna say...


    LOL, thanks for the comment, bro. They don't know that we are in China, and I'm Japanese. It's hard to understand this sensitive situation unless you've lived either in Japan or China for a long time. TrentReznor, you do understand that. Thanks for that. :lolita_happy:

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