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Everything posted by mitsu☆

  1. mitsu☆

    Damn, their bassist is leaving already? Wonder what that'll mean for them and if it'll postpone their first single....
  2. It was good at first, then that weird shouting thing he did... I get why this isn't viewed as positively in Japan haha
  3. mitsu☆

    Dang, that's so cool! You are always buying so much music it seems! Envy <3
  4. mitsu☆

    Thank you for these suggestions!! I enjoy SPELL BOX's music, so I shall definitely look into these other artists! Thank you again or the help!! Sometimes it's hard to find visual kei artists with a certain sound haha
  5. Well, since "acme" is also "orgasm" in Japanese, this should be interesting...haha
  6. mitsu☆

    Hey, everyone~ I'm a big fan of ANSIA (f.k.a auncia), and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for visual kei bands similar to them? I really like ANSIA's pop/rock type sound.
  7. mitsu☆

    What's up with the American flag in the video? lol Meh...it's alright.
  8. mitsu☆

    LAGNA / 夏茜 [Natsukane]

    LAGNA 2nd single「??茜??/"Natsukane" Limited Edition 1.??茜 / Natsukane 2.譫妄シアトリズム / Senmou Theatrism ??DVD】 ??茜 / Natsukane MV Regular edition 1.??茜 / Natsukane 2.譫妄シアトリズム / Senmou Theatrism 3.廻る樹海????寂??沈む赤 / Mawaru jukai, seijaku ni shizumu aka
  9. mitsu☆

    ALDEBARAN / Libido.
  10. mitsu☆

    I like them too... Actually pretty good
  11. mitsu☆

    Actually dig this band a bit... Pretty decent for a new band in my opinion. Gonna keep my eye on 'em.
  12. The singer's vocals are a rather annoying. He sounds like a sheep with his "baaaaas". haha.
  13. mitsu☆

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay here! I recommend checking out ALDEBARAN to add to your collection ;D
  14. It still isn't on CDJapan yet that I can see, but you can always email them and ask them if they can add this CD to their database.
  15. mitsu☆

    Actually thinking about getting this :/ Hmm..lol
  16. I really like their look. Definitely going to keep an eye on them.
  17. mitsu☆

    Just ordered EGOIZ V.A Live DVD! After this DVD just three more items to complete my auncia collection. (Of course, this doesn't include the merchandise I want to purchase haha)
  18. mitsu☆

    Damn! This is good! Sadly it's sold out like everywhere....
  19. mitsu☆

    ALDEBARAN ♡ Love, love, love mucho!!!
  20. mitsu☆

    Didn't even know this band was still around. Good for them!
  21. mitsu☆

    First purchase from Brand-X! Was pretty impressed with the extra goodies and how quickly the package arrived. Pretty good for a first single~ Restoring my faith in the visual kei scene♡ (Think there's an excerpt from one of Obama's speeches in the first song haha)
  22. mitsu☆

    Thank you for the advice!! I've noticed that deleted accounts are annoying, so I apologize! Glad to be back, though!
  23. To new beginnings and knowing what you want out of life☆

  24. mitsu☆

    haha Ya... I keep going back and forth on staying here and my passion for Japanese music. It's rather foolish, I know. I figured from now on to just keep this account.
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