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Everything posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. hitsuji-hime

    Used to listen to these guys back when I was 13 and still watched Dragon Ball Z AMVs. Now they're just annoying.
  2. hitsuji-hime

    Haven't heard this band in a while, but I still can't believe Howard left the band...he was a terrific vocalist.
  3. hitsuji-hime

    So fucking nervous about starting college in two weeks....fuuuuuuuuck...
  4. hitsuji-hime

    Finally, someone did a review on this xD Personally, I think it was alright, although the songs are a bit average. -Blanche- (CDJapan said this one would have "beautiful ballads".........pssh, yeah right. Zess perfectly sums it up as the "Femme" side of the band) Afterglow - Very melodic on Kaya's part, but sounds like your average J-rock song. The guitars just don't really shine enough. L'oiseau Bleu - Least favorite song in Blanche. Very boring, same rhythm throughout the entire song. Nothing really stands out here either. Luftschloss - Monotone rhythm throughout the entire damn song....until Kaya tries to amp it up a bit towards the end of the song. Other than that, yet another boring song, with the same annoying repetitive rhythm. The Fatal Day - An uplifting track, probably the best thing to happen in Blanche. And boy, whaddya know, IT'S THE LAST TRACK. Really does make up for the blandness of the previous tracks. -Noir- Digitalis - Fast paced track, a good way to start showing off the "darker" side of the band. Really dig the catchy part around the chorus~ Babel - REALLY LOVE THE GUITARS AT THE BEGINNING HOLY SHIT. The piano too was also amazing. *_* A great track to headbang to xD Also love how smooth the slowed-down part was, the song was a great jam overall. Crimson Nail - An okay song, I guess, until it approaches the chorus, which gets kinda melodic for a short moment. Kaya's breakdown in the middle of the track was a bit outrageous, especially when he starts sounding like an old lady having a total bitch fit...kinda made me cringe the first time I heard it. ;w; Kinda makes up for how blandish this track is though. Salome - I KNEW THEY WERE GONNA REMAKE THIS. The original choir vocals are muffled out by the band, which I kinda don't like. It starts off okay, until it starts approaching the chorus....then it gets a bit cringeworthy when the "growling" vocals are heard....Kaya's vocals are still fine, yet nothing else stands out. :/ The band itself just kinda overdoes it, which makes this remake a bit atrocious. Did not like this at all, the original is totes better. Least favorite track in Noir. Overall, the mini-albums were a bit...bland, I guess, except Noir at least tried to make up for it a little. Also, one thing that I'm glad they apparently learned from Freya - THEY TONED DOWN THE TRASHCAN DRUMS. Yeah, with that out of the way, the mini-album was a bit more tolerable to listen to, but it was mostly unmemorable, just like the Freya single. Final Verdict:
  5. hitsuji-hime

    Mandragora - 歎きの壁
  6. hitsuji-hime

  7. hitsuji-hime

    Fly or Die - Virgin Marry -Seibo Maria-
  8. hitsuji-hime

    I'd fap to them anyday......unf ♥♥♥ love both dansou and jousou~ Akira is super hot too, but as for her singing, I can't really get into that...:/
  9. hitsuji-hime

    Cats menstruate.
  10. hitsuji-hime

    Either go on Tumblr, listen to music, write fanfics, or write articles on Visual Kei Encyclopedia.
  11. I wish to speak, read, and write Japanese fluently, but I don't wanna go as far as to be Japanese. From what I hear, it's a shit place, and Asians are hot too, but I don't consider myself ~*~*~transethnic~*~*, cuz that's just retarded. I'm happy being white, even though I'm not too happy with my appearance.
  12. hitsuji-hime

  13. hitsuji-hime

    Merry - Melancholy
  14. hitsuji-hime

    People still say "tranny" and make fun of transsexuals?! Gawd, grow the fuck up already, it's 2014. It's ironic how the visual kei fandom is bad about this. >>; especially on this website, jfc
  15. hitsuji-hime

    Merry - Slow Dive
  16. hitsuji-hime

    Kisaki Project feat. Jui - Kioku ~after confession~
  17. hitsuji-hime

    Mandragora - 全知全能の願望
  18. hitsuji-hime

    Sui & Dollis Marry - Prism
  19. In the second track, the music is louder than the vocals, but other than that, they sound decent. Oh c'mon, that's only on the first track. Man up, you could've made it thru the rest.
  20. hitsuji-hime

    Damn....only two months?! That was fast.
  21. hitsuji-hime

    Janne da Arc
  22. hitsuji-hime

    Well shit. Get ready for a disbandment soon...
  23. hitsuji-hime

  24. hitsuji-hime

    Mandragora - 『×××××××』
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