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Posts posted by DOGharu

  1. I really understand you, I could write a lot if my English was better... But xD His words always touch my heart, is difficult to explain this feeling, but I admire him, Takeru stole my heart (laughs). So many difficulties and he still can be strong and smile, is very encouraging to me! I feel I can overcome my problems also ♥ I have problems with anxiety also so I understand exactly what you mean /o\ 


    jibun rashiku jibun uragire ♪

  2. Hey welcome <3 SuG, GOTCHAROCKA, Alice Nine, Matenrou Opera, An Cafe, LM.C, Lycaon, DOGinThePWO and BORN OMG ♥

    And one more Takeru lover? Please *hug* I like you ! He inspires me everyday and always make me smile, I completely understand everything that you wrote about him ♥ ♥


    (my English is a little bad, sorry :shock: )

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