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Posts posted by kodomia

  1. ^ Do we have to expect less album to be released for the second half of 2012 ?

    But it is really interesting to see how many albums will be released in the end of this year and the beginning of the next one. I don't know if it is a marketing plan or just me thinking too much xD

  2. I really hope that Final Fantasy XIII-2 will not be too linear like Final Fantasy XIII. Square Enix announced that the game will be less linear with time travel and (maybe?) multuple endng... Hope it's true... The only thing I'm exciting over is the monster capture system !

  3. release of their new album "Luminous" is finalized at 2011/12/07 (2 TYPE)

    limited edition (3,675yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (3,150yen) will include CD only

    Where did this information come from? It doesn't appear to be on their official site.

    Maybe you didn't see well... In their ohp at the top page, you can see an announce.


  4. I've read an interesting article this afternoon. Some researchers in Japan have invented a sensor which is capable of simulating the feeling of being pierced by an object. The researchers also explained we can imagine this sensor being developed in the future for the video games so we could "feel" the pain when playing some fps game like Gears of War or war game like Dynasty's Warrior.

    In the video below you can see the demonstration of this sensor.


    What do you think of this ?

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