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Posts posted by seratonin

  1. If it wasn't for the actual band members I don't think this band would get much of a reaction to be fair...

    Oh so this is where the hype is coming from!

    I was trying to figure out why reviews feel as if they were being so biased?

    This is probably correct.


  2. i passively listen to albums while doing something else, like studying. a 1/5 is me constantly deleting (horrible songs) and skipping songs (not feeling it, but might like later). I've removed whole albums a song at a time before.

    If the whole album makes no impression on me, I just play through the album. Good songs I mark, really good songs I add to playlists.
    The only really good song I added to a playlist was zephyr.
    Other songs made no initial impression on me, but later held interest were mama, 鵠, in all weathers, destrudo.
    The rest I constantly skipped (gave chance after chance by not removing them) or just removed.

    5/10 only because of zephyr and several slightly above average songs

  3. opinions are opinions and tastes are tastes... if everyone agreed with each other and had the same taste as each other, then the world would be a pretty boring place don't you think? So basically why are you even replying here? his opinion differs from yours and nothing is gonna change that, so why bother? Also I don't really think a 3/5 score constitutes it being "trash" and I don't think Zess thinks so either otherwise he would have given it a real trash score, let's say a 1/5.

    If you really wanted to make a worthwhile post you would have reviewed it yourself and stated why you like it in the first place instead of disagreeing with him and not backing up your opinion.

    well yes, Zess thought this release was a 3/5 but i thought this was more like a 1/5 with the exception of 覚醒.

    don't get me wrong though, i love lycaon's older releases, but this album had too much of a new style with thrown in electronic bits.

    Specific examples: THE STALIN, I thought was okay, not a 1/5, and GALLOWS I thought probably 3.5/5. Mejibray 5/5 with exception of last track of regular edition!

    I noticed for a while Zess never gave anything higher than a 4 star, so when I saw this rated as 3 star, I'm like how? That's pretty high up for Zess

    opinions are opinions and tastes are tastes... if everyone agreed with each other and had the same taste as each other, then the world would be a pretty boring place don't you think? So basically why are you even replying here? his opinion differs from yours and nothing is gonna change that, so why bother? Also I don't really think a 3/5 score constitutes it being "trash" and I don't think Zess thinks so either otherwise he would have given it a real trash score, let's say a 1/5.

    If you really wanted to make a worthwhile post you would have reviewed it yourself and stated why you like it in the first place instead of disagreeing with him and not backing up your opinion.

    you have it reverse lol. 3/5 is average, i thought this album was more like 1/5, i want yuuki to sing with a more metal, solid voice like he was doing before, he sounds

    like he's trying too hard to sound sexy, and remove all the electric parts, need more metal elements and need to show off satoshi's guitars, not hide it with all the edits

    O, jeez you guys sound a bit butt hurt lol, I just meant its coincidence we think kinda opposite.

    @Zess i never said i thought releases you thought are great i think is trash, just releases you thought were average, like this one

    So how do you feel about classical music though? Just curious

  4. Score: :3.0: | PINK MILK WITH DRUGS MY DRINK.


    Faux-dubstep and synthetic orchestra hits on the intro tracks signals that while this "erotic" era isn't over, it's entering into uncharted waters. More specifically, Lycaon finally skinny-dipped off the deep end. If Lycaon's music were a bar, we've just entered the backroom for preferred customers only.  All I can think to myself is that I like whatever drugs this band started taking.


    It's more of the neo-visual dubstep-influenced metal trend, so if you're expecting a follow-up to Royal Order stop here. What's attractive about this release is just how overdone it is. There's so much more going on than a few lazy riffs over cheap synth. Lots of ideas - maybe even too many - are thrown out of the speakers in every direction at once. I would go as far to say that this excursion is so bad it wraps around the end and becomes enjoyable on a level slightly above irony. What's different about Masochist Red Circus is that they've taken the sound I described earlier and stretched it as far as it would go. All the other trendy-kei bands have just been issued a challenge for their pink slips.


    On the other side of that coin, this really isn't that good. No track blows me away. Some get a nod, others get a wave, but no track bores me either. It's a very average release dressed up in a style that doesn't often reach average. Masochist Red Circus doesn't scratch that itch that only a really novel visual kei release can scratch. I'll listen once in a while and have a bit of fun, but this doesn't have the chops to stick.

    Thanks for trying though.

    pretty much every review you write i disagree with lol. reviews that you say are trash i think are okay. Releases where you say an album is okay i think is pretty much trash LOL.

    Do you hate classical music? Because I REALLY like classical music, so maybe you think opposite of me on that too

  5. good album the only thing that kills it for me is that this band is not only boring at lives, but try to perform exactly like it is on the album recording, and can't even do a good job of that.
    i'll never enjoy a good live of these songs unless a band makes a cover

  6. I read the reviews before really being able to listen to the album, props to you guys who are able to listen to listen to AAC purchases lol,
    so I was just able to listen to it today

    After listening to intro song, I thought this isn't bad for an into. Then going into gallows, when I heard
    RUK AT WIAR YU A, I cringed and knew this album was going to be tough to review.
    The reason why exodus EP wasn't that great was because the engrish ruined it for me, except in BE STRONG (no english in this track I think)

    But I was wondering why you guys were giving all the hate for this album.
    And now having listened I can understand, it's good to put a song from this album onto a playlist of songs by different artists, but if I listen
    to the whole GALLOWS at once, it sounds very boring, and I do agree as people have mentioned, boring.

    This doesn't offset the good songs though, my favorite are Envy, Ring, Phoenix, Oblivion <----even though good, are too repetitive

    If you guys are into the old lynch, Devil is pretty much EXACTLY how lynch was before, I was surprised how they were able to capture their same
    exact sound from way long ago, but let's be honest, their old sound wasn't that great lol.

    The rest of the tracks are pretty much play 3 chords repetitively for 3 minutes + double bass, and that's what you have. I don't appreciate these
    kind of songs anymore, but you guys may have a differing opinion.

    Ignoring all the bad tracks, 8/10.
    But if I listened to the whole album at once, I was a bit disappointed at first, probably 4/10.

    The thing I'm most scared about is that the good songs are too repetitive, after maybe an 8th listen I may not be able to listen to it anymore,
    similar to what happened to Exodus EP

  7. I liked them too from the beginning with arrow of the light which he sounded like yuuki. Its not as deep as he was 蛇と姑獲鳥. still i think karma was always singing in the way yuuki' s does cause it still had that feel to it. also they are friends in life too, but idk iff that has anything to do with it. and i like his soft side too i think it wouldn't fit with that single but the others yeah it works.



    I thought that too at first but if you really listen there is a clear difference. Lycaon was more uniqe while avelcain is more basic. plus avelcain has this old school thing going on. Lycaon had that solid sound in their metal(i dont know how to describe it) avelcain not so much. also since some avelcain's songs are not that hard you could compare them with Lycaon now since they have their harder moments.

    agree x100!

    You said it pretty much, avelcain has old vk style, lycaon *USED TO* have a metal sound, lycaon lost it though, and instead have songs filled with moans and electronic edits, and singing that I guess is supposed to sound sexy

    I think yuuki's old voice was good, now he's just trying too hard to sound sexy with all these electronic and jazz edits, drums sounding non-existent.

    Karma's voice is way better imo, unless yuuki can sing like how he did before. Maybe I like avelcain way better is because

    I don't like lycaon's (or am not mesmerized) by lycaon's sex appeal. I don't like sex appeal usually (but I do like Mejibray, even though they have sex appeal, but that's a whole different story)

  8. Well they're signed to the same label and Lycaon seem to sell well so maybe they were forced to do that. I personally think it doesn't suit them, their whole image. AvelCain should stay AvelCain, not become Lycaon with clothes on.

    Well avelcain's sound now reflects lycaon's old style, which I loved, but with a more creative twist. I really don't like the new lycaon lol, so is that what you meant?

    Because the new lycaon doesn't sound anything like avelcain's style right now, new lycaon has sex appeal, sexy theme, while avelcain has ominous, dark themes 

    By the way so many people have listened to the new avelcain album...um can anyone share it in 320kbps or more preferably lossless format

    only? Own rip please, not someone else's?

    I feel like i'm the only one who hasn't listened to it :(

  9.  OMG OMG OMG OMG thank you so much im so glad i check this topic out. ahhhhhhhhh


    its great but no where on Lycaon's (new or old) level. i think ill leave rank #2 open.

    Hah! no problem!

    I really don't like the new lycaon but the old lycaon was amazing... :( I'm very sad! but the new lycaon had some good songs like in the 薔薇 single,

    and i like 覚醒 from the last album!

  10. Did I miss something?! The only version I know is this one:

    What is the second version?

    oh, sorry I never saw this before.



    I can't find it any video or upload of it, but here is artist and name of other version

    もらん 妄想日記  ~センチメンタルver.~

  11. Yes, because I was always thinking that you guys meant with TRANSCODE a RE-ENCODE file. so ripped off from youtube or something.

    And that it didn't include the files which are ripped with Windows Media player or any other bad rip program.

    And the answer is simply: YES, everything with LQ = Transcode, including the WMP rips etc.

    Thank you for bringing this up, I thought I was the only one who noticed

    that 320 rips can be badly encoded, either by settings or an old/unupdated encoder.

    There are examples on this site of people uploading their 320 rip but it sounds bad,

    but I think its for one of the reasons i stated.

    A real 320 in fact is insanely good quality and in my personal experience, if the 320 is ripped correctly,

    (WITH CORRECT SETTINGSS AD UPDATED LAME 3.99/itunes 10 or 11, which are FREE!!)

    will sound like a lossless considering i can hear up to 18kHz frequency

    and have tried many expensive listening equipments including home theater surround sounds.

    And by the way, high end headphones can show difference between 320 and AAC ,

    but surround sounds system will rip a itunes format AAC 256k VBR to trash! Its very interesting

    Use foobar2000 + lame encoder and your rips will be perfect

    This. They are also free so there should nbe no excusse!

  12. Here's a link to this Mejibray DVD I literally spent 5 consecutive hours
    trying to download (by not actually purchasing premium):


    It's a Mejibray live DVD of サバト B type.

    Can anyone actually download it?
    Does someone actually have ryushare premium to download it?

    I really need help...

    One way I tried was to replace the cfg file of Jdownloader application, but I couldn't find any databases that
    had enabled ryushare premium! SO FRUSTRATING UGHHH

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