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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/17 in Status Updates

  1. 4 points
    To be honest I was afraid the current tour MUCC are doing will end up cringy, with the string band and the fancy hall venues and all. But boy was I wrong. It was definitely different, but they did it just right - the strings weren't over the top (except in Daikirai, which was hilarious but also kinda cool and actually worked??), the piano added a nice touch to some of the songs and the setlist was just perfect for the more formal atmosphere. Going to the tour finale tonight, hope they change it up a bit for the enseiers (there were many of them this time, since the tour only had 5 dates - easymode!).
  2. 3 points
    I want to express my gratitude to people regularly updating us on bands that are yet to release their first one-coin comment CD going through member changes/unexpected creative disagreements/live-limited hiatus announcements, etc keeping tr*mbe spirit alive, god bless
  3. 1 point
    Can be honest this world every body like different things No all people like the same This live this world (Human)
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