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Interview | KLACK - Cure 35 (Japanese)

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again kanji thanks to @peffy

I share my own raw English translation tomorrow, I'll hope if I post my translation that some of you can filter out some mistakes.  But for now happy reading the Japanese version.


This interview is a bit more on topic but still much out of topic too.  However really fun to read.  Which makes me over again and over again sad that this band isn't around anymore since October 2008. (>_<)/ But u-san didn't change a bit through the years at all, he is still the same.

常に我が道を進むバンドKLACK。∀NTI FEMINISM との共同イベント
「エセロック撲滅GIG」の東名阪ツアー「FUCK & DESTROY」を

― 今回のテーマは「七夕」なんですが。何かありますか?
聖也: 俺とuが共通してビックリしたのが昌亜が高校時代の時に両手に女を連れて歩いてるのを見たな。しかも二人とも手を繋いでた。
昌亜: 全然憶えてない。
u 何してるって聞いたら、どっちが決めるのが可哀想だから二人ともって言ってた。
烈 俺は高2の時、昌亜に手を繋がれた。

― テーマは七夕なんですが…
聖也 オリモノとヒコボシ!!
一同 (笑)
u 短冊に願い事を書いて叶うなら何の苦労もいらない。
昌亜 そうそう。

― もし願い事をするなら?
聖也 お金が欲しい。
u 願いが叶いませんように。俺は何より人の不幸が好きだから、願いが叶って人が幸せになると腹が立つ。

― 昌亜さんは?
u 昌亜は女と手を繋ぎたい。
一同 (笑)
昌亜 俺も金かな。
聖也 かぶってんじゃねーか!!
昌亜 どうしても金が欲しい。
u 昌亜に金の話をしたら暗くなるからな。
聖也 この間ひったくりを考えてたもんな(笑)

― 烈さんの願いは?
烈 バンドが売れて人気がでたらいいなぁ…。
一同 …シカト。

― 話題を変えて。そういえばエセロック撲滅GIGで初となる東名阪ツアー「FUCK & DESTROY」を行うそうですが。
昌亜: エセロックは最初は1回きりのGIGだったんだけど、アンチと盛り上がって、エセロックに出演してる√eightとも仲良くなって、一緒にやってるうちに3バンドで廻ろうってなった。
u: 東京だけじゃなくて、大阪、名古屋にもエセロックが多いから、それを全部ぶっ壊しに行こうかなって。

― では、今までのエセロックとは違って対バンも地元のバンドを中心に集めるんですか?
聖也: 多分まだやったこと無いバンドとやると思う。

― 一緒にやってみたいバンドとかいますか?
聖也: まぁ、やってみたい奴がいても、そいつ等は俺達とやりたくないみたいな(笑)。
u: 一緒に廻るアンチと√eightはやってみたいというより、その人達から何かを盗みたい。俺達よりすごいバンドだから。
聖也: 盗めるものが沢山ある。
u: まぁこの2バンドには内緒だけど。
昌亜: 思いっ切り言ってるけど(笑)。

― 仲の良い3バンドで廻るわけなんですが、今回のツアーでライブ以外の楽しみは有りますか?
聖也: お好み焼き、たこ焼き、手羽先…。
烈: 全部食いものだな。
昌亜: あんま他のバンド関係ない事だね。
聖也: いや皆で食べたい(笑)。

― 他に何かしたいこと有りますか?
u: もっと交流を深めて、さっきも言ったけど盗めるものは全部盗む。
聖也: でも本当に一番したいことはS●Xだろ。
u: そりゃ各地の女とはS●Xをどうしてもしたい。
一同: (笑)

― 烈さんは?
烈: 地元のバンドと交流を深めて各地でライブが出来る様になればいいな。

― 他に楽しみは?
烈: それはシークレットだよ。
u: 夜には烈の火の鳥が出るからな。

― 火の鳥って何ですか?
烈: シークレットだよ。
一同: (笑)
聖也: 俺も知らねえ。
昌亜: 超秘密主義。

― 今回のツアーを皮切りに、今後エセロック撲滅GIGが、全国展開するという事は考えてるんですか?
u: まぁライブハウスに嫌がられるバンドなんで、出れる場所が3カ所位しかないからな。
聖也: まぁやれる場所が有れば何処でも良いんだけどな。前は服屋とかSMクラブでもやってたし、GIGが出来るなら場所は選ばない。
u: 聖也はギターヘタだし、何のギター使っても、どんな場所でやっても関係ないからな。
聖也: 俺は天才肌だから練習しなくても勝手に上手くなるんだよ。
一同: (笑)。
聖也: 俺がスピリッツを出すとヘタになる。

― どういう事ですか?
聖也 精神面を全面に出すと反比例して一気に演奏がヘタになる…ぺ●ス。
昌亜 頭おかしい奴じゃん!! 意味わかんねえよ。
一同 (笑)。

― 今回、昌亜さんが裸で女性の下着を着けてるフライヤーを見せてもらったんですが、また凄いですね。
昌亜: 軽い私服。
聖也: これが彼の本当の姿なんだよ、心の表れかな。

― このフライヤーはどんな意味合いがあるんですか?
昌亜: 言っちゃうと面白くない。
聖也: この写真を撮ってた人は勃起してたしな(笑)。

― 普通の常識じゃ考えないですよね。
聖也: 確実にひくな。
昌亜: これにひく意味がわからん。自然じゃん。
一同: (笑)

― 昌亜さんはそういう趣味をお持ちなんですか(笑)?
聖也: そう!
昌亜: なんでお前が答える。
聖也: 飲み屋に行くと必ず足を触ってくるからな。
昌亜: それとこれは違う!!
u: 北朝鮮に行ったとき、朝起きたら真っ裸で煙草吸ってたな。さわやかにおはようとか言って。とにかく昌亜は脱ぎたがる。
昌亜: 開放的になりたいだけ。
一同: (笑)
聖也: ホテルで同じ部屋の時があって、その時も真っ裸だったな。「聖也見て」って、おっぴろげてた(笑)。
昌亜: それはない!!
u: そういえば最近、昌亜は烈の家によく遊びに行くよな。
聖也: そうだ、しかも俺達知らなかったし。

― 烈さんは何して、遊んでるんですか?
烈: …。
昌亜: ちょっと言えないよな。烈と技の研究をしてるんだよ、火の鳥とか。

― ??? では次のお話に行きますね。エセロック撲滅GIGも6月23日で9回目になりますが自分達の中で変化は見えますか?
昌亜: それは毎回あるな。いつも対バンも違うし、あんまり交流は無いけど、俺達の中では仲良くなったつもりなんで常に変化はある。
烈: 俺は精神的には自分の伝えたい事は変わらないんだけど、他のバンドを見てると自分より凄いと思うし、そういう部分を自分の中で消化し自分なりの形で吐き出すようにしてるな。
聖也: 普通のイベントよりエセロックはおもしろいな。

― 8月30日のエセロック撲滅GIGでちょうど10回目になりますが。
u: 10回目だから、何か有るとか何かしないと的な事は一切考えてない。俺達は毎回気持ちを込めてGIGをやってるからな。
聖也: 俺達は1回目も10回目も変わらず同じスタイルなんだよ。あっ何か俺、良いこと言った?
u: これはカットだな(笑)。

― ツアーの意気込みをお願いします。
u: 家を出た瞬間からツアーだよ。俺達はステージ以外でも常にGIGなんだ。あと最近本当にムカツク事が多いんだよ。俺、ワガママだから。
聖也: こっちはそのワガママに付き合ってる。
u: そう皆、最後まで俺のワガママに付き合ってくれる。

― 良い仲間ですね。
聖也: グッチのお陰だな、今回のテーマは「七夕」じゃなく「グッチ」。

― グッチ?
u: グッチがいなかったらKLACKはなかった。だから俺等を嫌いな奴は「グッチ」を恨め。

Edited by BrenGun

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ENGISH RAW TRANSLATION, be free to correct mistakes!


The band KLACK who always follows their own way. designed to do a collaboration tour with ∀NTI FEMINISM on their 「エセロック撲滅GIG」 and  「FUCK & DESTROY」 through Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya. Finally 「エセロック撲滅GIG」 will be at Osaka and Nagoya, and it's unknown when this momentum will stop.
This time we look at the precious stories of the unusual aspects of the members.


― The theme of this time is "Tanabata" do you have anything to say about it?
Seiya: I remember that I and u-san were very surprised that Masaya was walking hand in hand with girls during our high school days. Both of them were hand in hand.
Masaya: I don't remember that at all.
u: After asking what he was doing, he didn't told us that he and her held hands together.
Takeru: When I Was in the 2nd grade of high, I also hold hands with Masaya.  


― The theme is Tanabata...
Seiya: fabric stars!
all: laugh
u: If you write a wish on a paper strip your wish comes true without any trouble
Seiya: That's right.


― What do you wish for?
Seiya: I wish for money.
u: I wish that a wish doesn't come true. I like people's unhappiness a lot. I get angry if someones wish comes true and be happy.


― What about Masaya?
u: Masaya want to hold hands with a girl.
everone: laugh
Masaya: I also wish for money.
Seiya: That's not valuable!
Masaya: Then I still wish for money.
u: Masaya turns evil if he's talking about money.
Seiya: In the meanwhile I was thinking of snatching it. (laugh)


― Takeru what do you wish?
Takeru: I wish for that our band will sell well and gets popular....
Everyone: ostracism


― Changing the topic. btw, エセロック撲滅GIG seems to be the first Tokyo, Nagoya Osaka tour dates of the 「FUCK & DESTROY] tour.   
Masaya: エセロック was a first a one-time GIG, ∀NTI and their excitement also I became friends with √eight who also played that day, I was looping around 3 bands that time.
u: Not only Tokyo but also Osaka and Nagoya has many エセロック events, so I wonder if we will destroy them all.


― So what's エセロック about? different kind of bands also gathering local bands?
Seiya: I think we will play with bands which we never played before with.


― With which bands would you like to play?
Seiya: Even if there would be someone, they would not want to play with us. (laugh)
u: I would prefer to steal something form them than doing something with ∀NTI and √eigh . Because they are way greater bands than us.
Seiya: There are so many things you want to steal.
u: well, it's a secret for these 2 bands what I want to steal.
Masaya: You fully talk about it. (laugh)


― Allthough it gonna be a nice 3man battle ,  are there other fun things planned for this tour?
Seiya: Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki, Chicken wings...
Takeru: That's all food.
Masaya: it's not related to any other band.
Seiya: No, I want to eat everyone.


― Is there anything else you want to do?
u: I want to interact much more, I've told you earlier, but I like to steal anything I can steal.
Seiya: What I Really want to do is to have S●X.
u: Well, I want to have S●X with woman all around for sure!
everyone: lol


― And you Takeru?
Takeru: I want to interact with local bands more and making them want to join live events at other places.


― Any other fun things?
Takeru: That's a secret.
u: a phoenix will appear each evening.


― a phoenix?!
Takeru: It's a secret!
everyone: laugh
Seiya: I also don't know.
Masaya: Ultra-secret


― Starting with this tour do you think that "エセロック撲滅GIG" will expand nationwide?
u: well, our band is disliked by venues, so there are only 3 places to go too.
Seiya: Any place is fine as so long it's a nice place. Previously we hold lives at clothes shop and also at a SM club. So for doing a gig it doesn't really matter where.
u: Seiya is a bad guitar player. So it doesn't matter what kind of guitar he uses, or whatever place.
Seiya: Because I'm a genius, it even sounds good without practicing.
everyone: laugh
Seiya: My bad spirit comes out.


― What do you mean?
Seiya: When I open my mind fully, and performance badly it brings me to erection.  [* note ぺ●ス/penis => erection]
Masaya: he is a funny guy!! I don't get it at all.
Everyone: laugh


― This time, Masaya showed a nude flyer with a woman wearing underwear, also very amazing.
Masaya: Light clothes.
Seiya: This is real, it's a sign of my heart.


― What is the meaning behind this flyer.
Masaya: It wouldn't be fun to say.
Seiya: The person who took this photo was erected.


― You can't think in normal common sense isn't?
Seiya: That's doesn't matter.
Masaya: I also don't know what he want to say. It's a natural thing.
Everyone: laugh


― Masaya, Do you have such hobby? (laugh)
Seiya: Yes.
Masaya: Why do you answer?
Seiya: You always though your feet when you go to a bar?
Masaya: That's totally not true!
u: When we went to North Korea, every morning after waking-up he was standing naked, smoking cigarettes.
While saying refreshingly "good morning". Anyway Masaya wanted to be nude.
Masaya: I only want to be open-minded.
Everyone: laugh
Seiya: Once we shared a hotel room. He also was naked that time. [Seiya is looking at me], *enlarge* (laugh)
Masaya: Not at all
u: btw, recently Masaya visited Takeru's home often.
Seiya: I see, we didn't know that.


― Takeru, what are you guys doing?
Takeru: ....
Masaya: I can't tell you. Takeru and I are studying techniques, phoenix and so on...


*note: interviewer doesn't get Masaya's answer and goes to a next topic, so the "???" are also printed in the magazine.


― ???, well let's go to the next story. エセロック撲滅GIG at 6/23 is your 9th live, did you change a bit in the meanwhile?
Masaya: That happens each time. The battle is always different, although there isn't much change, we need to get along with each other, so we always need to change.     
Takeru: Mentally I don't want to change, I think I'm awesome if I compare myself to other bands, I digest such part to become myself and not to spit myself.
Seiya エセロック event is more interesting than a normal event.



― 8/30 エセロック撲滅GIG will be your 10th gig.
10th already, I didn't have thought about anything yet, unless I have to. We are doing each GIG with a free feeling each time.   
Seiya: It's still the same style, we didn't change that after 10times. A I said something good?
u: that's a cut (laugh)


― Please give some enthusiasm for this tour.
u: At the moment I leave my home for a tour. We always play GIG's on a different stage. recently I get really irritated about lot's of things. Because I'm selfish.
Seiya: So this goes together with selfishness
u: So everyone, will stay with my selfishness until the very end.


― It is a good companion.
Seiya: Thanks to Gucchi, this theme is not "Tanabata" but "Gucchi"


― Gucchi?
u: Without Gucci there was no KLACK. That's why those who dislike us will bear a grudge against "Gucchi".

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