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Interview translation has been checked by @cvltic


The guys are really joking a lot, totally going out of topic.

Kanji thanks to @peffy




― いよいよ間近に迫ったシングル発売。今回は、この事を中心にお話を聞きたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。
聖也: よろしくお願いします。

― ジャケット驚きましたよ。あれってイラクの人質事件ですよね。
聖也: その辺はどうですかKAIKIさん。
KAIKI: なんて言えばいいの。


KAIKI: 僕じゃ考えられません。僕の長いバンド人生でも考えられません。
聖也: 今何してるんですか?
KAIKI: 営業やってます。
聖也: 名古屋のボスじゃないんですか?
KAIKI: 今は営業のボスだよ。色々あってね。
聖也: えっ、借金踏み倒しとかやったんですか?
KAIKI: まあね。
u: どれくらいですか?
KAIKI: 1億くらい。
聖也: さすがボスです。また踏み倒して欲しい。
u: 考えてくださいよ。やりかた。
KAIKI: 細かい話はやめようぜ。話題が違うだろう、ジャケの話だよね。


聖也: で、昌亜はどう思うの?
昌亜: それでいいです。いや、ごめんなさい、全くわからないです。
聖也: 「ジャケットについてどう思いますか?」みたいな事だよ。答えろよ。小ネタとかあるじゃん。「カズマサも犯人役で出てるんだ」とか…。
u: あいつ会社にバレたらしいぜ。でも総務のおばさん達に「凄い」って言われてるんだって。
聖也: じゃあ調子に乗らないようにシメとかないとね(笑)。
昌亜: あのー、おれさっきからキョロキョロするしか出来ないんだけど。
聖也: じゃあ、何か言えよ。
昌亜: あの事件ってヤラセなんでしょ。だから真似したら面白いかなって。
聖也: へ?
昌亜: ジャケの話です。
聖也: あ、そうか。
一同: (笑)
聖也: ヤラセの中のヤラセじゃん。
昌亜: 「なんで犯人はスニーカー履いてんだ」みたいな。
u: ところでイラクってどこなの?
聖也: イランの横。
烈: インドじゃないの?
u: カッコはインドっぽいよね。
昌亜: それよりあの女って犯人に犯られてんじゃないの? いや「犯人と出来てる」って言う方が正解か?
聖也: 出てこないしねー。でも美少年好きらしいよ。15歳くらいの。俺キスしてる写真見たよ。イラクの少年と。しかも口と口。目つぶったりしてさ。気持ち悪。
u: あいつ聖也ん家のババアみたいな顔してるんだよね。
聖也: あれじゃ子供達に対する性的虐待だよ。
u: 結局キスしに行ったんじゃない?
昌亜: 人質家族の弟も笑ったよね。「イラクの子供達にあやまれ」だっけ?
聖也: 「イラクの子供達より日本の子供達になんかしてくれよ」っての。俺らもまだ未成年だしさ。「ヨロシク」って!
昌亜: なんかしてもらうって、あのババアとキスしなきゃいけないよ。
聖也: すいません。前言撤回です。
烈: でも、何も戦争やってるとこなんかに行かなきゃいいのにね。
u: 自分探しの旅なんじゃない?
烈: 俺わかる気がする。
聖也; えっ? お前あいつらの味方かよ?
烈: ありえねー。そんな訳ないじゃん。
聖也: あせったー。
一同: (大笑い)
烈: 室内でバズーカってのも、ウソ臭いよね。

― でもKLACKのジャケもバズーカ使ってますよね?
烈: 撮影の時は空気入れです。
聖也: ガンダムのバズーカを合成したんだよ。

― ガンダム好きなの?
昌亜: 古いですよ。
聖也: て言うか秋葉にしか売ってねーよ。俺、秋葉行ったことねーんだけどさ。
昌亜: まぁ、そういう訳で面白そうかなってジャケにしたんですよ。

― 貴重なお話ありがとうございます。ところで肝心の音の方なんですけどイントロのギター間違ってません?
聖也: よく分かりましたね。手がすべっちゃいました。
昌亜: 正直だね。
聖也: でもせっかく間違えたんだから直すのもったいないんで。
昌亜: 今は機械が発達してるから、みんな上手く聞こえるように直すでしょ。でも下手な方が伝わる場合もあると思うんですよ。
u: 「世界で1番下手なボーカル」って言われるのが俺にとってのプライド。過去も含めて現在までで1番下手なボーカリストになったら勲章じゃん。上手いのなんていくらでもいるんだから。
聖也: てゆうより、影でうまくなろうと、歌の練習してる姿がダサい。カラオケ教室みたい。
烈: 一生懸命練習して上手くなって誉められるってのは声楽家とかピアノ弾きとかでしょ。声楽家なんて歌が上手いだけだし、ピアノなんて俺らの言うロックにはなんの役にも立たない。
聖也: 第一ロックバンドにはピアノも声楽も「オカマ」くさくて価値ないじゃん。て言うか俺らも価値ないけど。
昌亜: そう、それでも俺らは人一倍思いだけは伝えたいんですよ。でもちゃんとできないから伝わらない。そんな所に思いと現実の「ねじれ」が起きてきて、だからuは必死で歌うし俺らも必死で楽器を鳴らす。そこには心の叫びみたいな物があると思わない?

― うーん深いですね。
u: 俺はあたりまえだと思う。
烈: 俺らの考えた思いを伝える方法。
昌亜: シングルだって、みんな余裕っぽく言ってるけど、本当は全員全く余裕なしで、必死で作りましたよ。でも「これが俺たちです」っていうか「生のままの姿をみせたいな」ってなって、だから直すとかは嫌で…。

烈: そう、色々話し合った結果「多分俺ら以外のバンドは全部直すだろう」って。
聖也: 少しでも「よく見せたい」とか「よく見られたい」とかそういう感情がダサいよ。
昌亜: 歌で言うとuは全部2回歌ってるんだけど、上手くいくはずないから、最初からあきらめて同じように歌おうとしていない。だから歌がずれてるんですよ。でもそこが、トランスっぽく聞こえてくるんですよ。

― なんか不思議な感じですよね。
昌亜: ねじれが生み出した偶然の産物です。
聖也: 上手く言った。さすが口が上手い。

― 歌詞の方もびっくりですよね。
u: ニュースを見て適当に作ったんだけど…。
聖也: ヒゲがラディンでメガネがキムさんだよ。

― 歌いだしの部分ですよね。

u: あと「Seike」は昌亜の私生活。

聖也: 昌亜はあーいうの好きなの?

昌亜: まったく興味ない。
u: 隠すなよ。「JAPANESE STANDARD」は日本人の習性。
聖也: 俺はやっぱり「それでもイラクの人達が嫌いになれないんです」ってとこ好きだね。歌詞見た時大笑い。
u: あのセリフは貰いだろ。

― 東條英機が日本を救うってのも凄いですよね。
u: 周りに「昔の日本の総理大臣って誰がいる?」って聞いて1番響きが良かったんで。そしたら偶然戦争やった時の総理大臣だった。だからこれも貰い。

― 先月号の広告とかも凄いですよね。首相からもクレームが来たと聞きましたが?
昌亜: あれは、首相を名乗る人ですよ。だって電話の主が女だったらしいし、それよりも反戦団体からたくさん来るんですよクレームが。

― えっ? 反戦団体?
u: 意味不明だよ。
聖也: でも、俺らからは何もしてないのに、文句言われたんだから、やり返します。俺はあいつらが嫌いになりました。

― なんで反戦団体がクレーム言うんでしょうね?
u: さぁ…クソだからじゃないですか?
聖也: 大体ダセーんだよな。あんな遠いところの戦争なんかで大騒ぎして。どっちでもいいじゃん。そんな事。
昌亜: 人道的にとかじゃないの?
聖也: 人道? その言葉大嫌い。偽善者の匂いがプンプンする。
昌亜: デモ行進とか渋滞の元だよね。
聖也: 俺の車なんて三菱製だからいつ火吹くか分かんないのに、たまんねーよ。てか俺らの地元ではデモないんだけどね。それにあっても田舎だから渋滞にならないけど…。
昌亜: 聖也の車レッカー移動されたんだよね。
聖也: 三菱と反戦団体のせいだよ。
一同: (爆笑)
烈: 親が反戦団体の子供って一緒に旗とか振ってんの。
昌亜: えっ見たの?
烈: HPでね。でもカワイイんだよその子。
u: あいつら、その辺のやり方は巧妙だよね。俺らも見習わなきゃ。
烈: でもHP読んだけど、どうしようもなかったよ。特に人間の盾の話とか。ドラクエだったら防御力0だよ。
聖也: もちろん攻撃力も0でーす。
u: 爆撃されればよかったのに。
昌亜: とにかく、色んな事があるんだけど、そんな事気にしててもしょうがないよ。
u: て言うか俺ら世の中には何も期待してないし、人生だって捨ててるし、周りを気にしてる余裕なんてまったくない。俺にとっては伝える事だけが重要で他の事は全てどうでもいい。だから今のフライヤーは六本木ヒルズの回転扉だしね。
烈: 回転扉はデストロイだろ?

― あの歌詞はそこからなんですね。
聖也: それしかないじゃん。

― ところで、Cureが出る頃には終わってるんですけど同時多発GIGって?
昌亜: 物理的には1階と2階への移動がかなり大変なんですよ。でも気負わないでありのままに、自然体で今あるやりきれない思いを少しでも伝えれると「いいかな」と。
聖也: 口でするのが上手いね。ジャニーズ=ゲイみたいな…。
昌亜: だから俺はジャニーズでもゲイでもないよ。

― それも楽しみなんだけどいくつかイベントにもでるんですよね。
聖也: 丁度発売日の今日も俺らPV持って「かけてくれ」ってNHK行ったんだけど、丁重に断られて、だからイベントとかしかないなと思って。
昌亜: やっぱ受信料払わないとNHK出れないのかな?
烈: あれ払わなくても法律上罰則規定がないんだよ。
聖也: なんでそんなこと知ってんの?
u: 今KAIKIさんが言ったじゃん。
聖也: 俺んちTVねーよ。つーか家がねーよ。
昌亜: KAIKIさんはどう思います?
KAIKI: いきなり振るなよ。俺、分かんねーよ。て言うよりこれ本当にインタビューなんですか?

― いつもこの調子なんですよ。最初は引いたりとかあったんですけど多くの人は、色々取り繕うじゃないですか。でも彼らは包み隠さず何でも言うから。今では刺激があって、インタビューの日が待ち遠しい位ですよ。
KAIKI: んー。僕が今まで受けたインタビューはその通りカッコをつけてたかも知れないですね。でも、包み隠さず言う事が1番相手に伝わるんでしょうね。聞いてて面白いですよ。僕も勇気を貰った感じですね。これからもっともっと突っ走ってほしいですね。

― 今回は偶然、編集部にKAIKI氏がいらっしゃった事もあって飛び入り参加して貰い興味深いお話も聞けました。では最後にシングルについて一言。
u: 「近鉄バッファローズ」って売れたの?

Edited by BrenGun

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A shocking jacket photo, appearance of KAIKI appearance, simultaneous multiple GIG's and at 7/28 they will stand finally on the main stage.


Following from the first gig at a clothing shop and also simultaneous multiple GIG's at SM clubs?
For their always heretical action, the support from the readers are expanding rapidly.
But U says: communication is the only important thing, all other doesn't matter.
KLACK's story has just to start yet. The future may clears out the confusion!


― The release date of the first single is getting close, I would like to hear the main story behind this piece.   
seiya: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu


― It has a very surprising jacket. It points to the Iraq hostages incident.
Seiya: How do you feel about this topic?
KAIKI: What do you mean?


Seiya shows the CD jacket to KAIKI, "This Jacket".
※KAIKI is EX-ROUAGE, EX-solei.


KAIKI: I can't imagine it. Even in my long life in bands I can't imagine.
Seiya: What are you doing now?
KAIKI: I'm doing business.
Seiya: Aren't you the boss of Nagoya?
KAIKI: I'm the boss of various business now.  
SEIYA: so, you are avoiding paying debts?
u: How much?
KAIKI: About 100 million
Seiya: It's boss like, still wanting avoiding depths.
u: Please think about a way.
KAIKI Let's stop talking about it. The topic is different, It's the jacket.

(Here, [Sorry I'm late] Masaya joins in)

Seiya: so, Masaya, what you think
Masaya: It's nice, no, I'm sorry, I don't get it at all.
Seiya: Something to[What do you think of the jacket?]. Please answer. Or such as [Kasumasa also acts as a terrorist]...
u: Seems his company found out. But the ladies in General Affairs told him he was amazing.
Seiya: We gotta stop this before he gets cocky (laugh)
Masaya: Um, I've just been looking around restlessly since I got here.
Seiya: So, just say something
Masaya: That incident was fake. So it would be interesting to imitate it
Seiya: huh?
Masaya: I'm talking about the jacket
Seiya: Oh, I see
everyone: laughing
Seiya: It's fake inside fake.
Maysaya: Why are the terrorist wearing sneakers?
u: btw, where is Iraq?
seiya: Next to Iran
Takeru: it's not India?

u: The style is more Indian-like.
Masaya: More importantly wasn't that woman raped by the criminal? Or is it more right to say she was with the criminal?"
Seiya: That hasn't come out. But she seemed to love cute young boys. boys from about 15 years old. I saw a kissing photo. With a boy in Iraq. Also mouth to mouth kissing. Eyes closed. Creepy.
u: She was making a face like Seiya's old ass mom
Seiya: That's child sexual abuse.
u: So in the end she went to kiss them?
Masaya: The younger brother of the hostage's family laughed about it. Didn't he say "Apologize to the children of Iraq"?
Seiya: "Do something for the children of Japan instead of the children of Iraq." We're still underage. Best regards!
Masaya: You'll have to kiss that hag to get something from her.
Seiya: I'm sorry. Previous statement is withdrawn.  
Takeru: But, if you have nothing to do with war, you shouldn't go.
u: Wasn't it a journey to find herself?
Takeru: I feel like I get it.
Seiya: eh? are you at the ally side?  
Takeru. Not at all. It's not the reason.  
Seiya: Impatient...
Everyone: much laughter
Takeru: Indoors Bazooka, stinks like a lie.


― But there is also a Bazooka on KLACK's jacket?
Takeru: At the time of shooting we used a pneumatic.
Seiya: It was a synthesized bazooka of Gundam.


― Do you like Gundam?
Masaya: It's old
Seiya: They sell it in Akiharaba. Although I've never been to Akihabara.
Masaya: Well, for such reason wouldn't it be interesting to let it appear on the jacket?


― Thank you for your precious story. btw, sound is important, but isn't there are a mistake in the guitar intro?
Seiya: You got it right, my hand slipped out.
Masaya: That's honest.
Seiya: It was a nice mistake, so it would be a waste to fix it.
Masaya: Now days it can be repaired easy with a machine. However something bad can be nice too.
u: Being told "you're the world's worst vocalist" is my pride. It's really gold to be the worst vocalist of all time. 'Cause there's endless good vocalists.
Seiya: Well, to practice music in the shadows isn't cool too. It's like doing karaoke.
Takeru: To get better you need to practice hard to be praised, as a vocalist you use a piano to get better. A vocalist can sing a song good, however a piano cannot make rock music sound good.
Seiya: The piano and vocals of the first rock bands were faggy and worthless. Well, we're worthless too.
Masaya: Yes, we still want to convey our thoughts. But it cannot transmitted properly. A kind of "twist" of reality should come inside the heart. u sings desperately and we also play desperately our instrument. Maybe there is something like a cry of the heart inside?


―Yes, it's that deep.
u: I think it's natural.
Takeru: It's our way to convey thoughts.
Masaya: This single, everyone said to have enough time for it, but the truth is that all members didn't had enough time, so we created it out of desperation.  But it is the meaning of [This is how we are] also [I want to show it raw] so, I didn't want to repair it.
Takeru: yes, and the result of various discussions "Probably, except us, all bands would fix it"
Seiya: a bit of "I want to let it look good" or "I want to look good" that's kind of a stupidness feeling.
Masaya: u-san only sung the song 2 times, because it didn't go well, by giving up at the start, and not singing it once more the same way, is also a reason why the song is out of sync.  It sounds a bit trance-y.


― It is kind of strange feeling.
Masaya: But it is accidental produced by a twist.
Seiya: Well said,  really good words


― The lyrics are also amazing  
u: I saw the news, and created the lyrics properly.
Seiya: Beard is laden (Bin Laden)  Glasses is Kim  (Kim  Jong-Il)


― It's a part of the lyrics of a song.
u: and [Seike] is the private life of Masaya.
Seiya: Masaya does like such things?
Masaya: I'm not interested in such thing at all.
u: Don't hide it. [Japanese Standard] is about the habit of Japanese people.
Seiya: I still love the sentence: "But still, I can't hate the Iraqis"  I really had to laugh after reading the lyrics.   u: You must accept that line.


― It's amazing to say that Hideki Tojo will save Japan.
u: If you ask around [Who was the past Japanese prime minister] it's said that he was the best. Then war was started by accident, started by the Prime Minister of that time. So I came up with this.


― The add of last month's issue is amazing, isn't? They said that there was also a complaint from the prime minister?
Masaya: It's a person who claims to be the prime minister. Because it seems that the caller was a woman, anyhow it seemed to be a claim of an anti-war organization.


― eh? Anti-war organization?
u: It's unknown.
Seiya: But we didn't do anything, it was just a complain, So I will just forget it. I dislike them.


― What kind of complain did the anti-war organization say?
u: Well... because they're shit, right?"
Seiya: Roughly it's. Making a fuss over the war of such a far-off place. Whichever. Such kind of thing.
Masaya: Is it not humanitarian or something?
Seiya: humanitarian? I hate that word. Reeks of hypocrisy.
Masaya: Demonstrations cause traffic jams.
Seiya: My car is a Mitsubishi, I don't know when it's blowing up,  I'm sorry. But there's no demonstrations in our hometown. Even so, I live at the countryside, so I won't be stuck...
Masaya:  Seiya's car was moved away with tow.
Seiya: Because of Mitsubishi and the anti-war group
everyone: big laugh
Takeru: Parents wave the flag together with the kids of the anti-war organization
Masaya: eh, you saw?
Takeru: It's on the HP. But it's a really cute kid.
u: Those guys of neighborhood are skillful. We have to follow them.
Takeru: I could not help to not read the HP. Especially the story of a human shield. It's Dragon Quest, defence is 0.
Seiya: Of course the attack power is also 0.
u: It should have been bombed.
Masaya: Anyway, there are various things, but even if you care about it, it can't be helped.
u: I mean, we do not expect anything of the world, to throw away a life. There is absolutely no margin to not care about the surroundings. For me its just an important story and all other things doesn't matter. So, now the flyer is the revolving door of Roppongi Hills.
Takeru: Revolving door to destroy?


― So there are the lyrics came from.
Seiya: That's right


― btw, this cure comes out near the Simultaneous multiple GIG's dates
Masaya: Physically it's hard to move to the first floor and the second floor. However, if it can conveyed  by a certain thought,  which can't be naturally plainly without being eager "It's okay".
Seiya: If you speak nice with your mouth, you sound like Johnny's = Gay.
Masaya: Therefore, I'm not Johnny or Gay at all!


―  Anyway. i'm looking foward to it, also to some of the events.
Seiya: On the sale date and also today, I took the PV with me to NHK asking "please play it", however they refused politely, so I thought there wouldn't be an event.
Masaya: I guess, if you don't pay a fee, NHK won't air it.
Takeru: There isn't a penaltiy provision of the law if you wouldn't pay.
Seiya: Then why?
u: We could ask KAIKI now.
Seiya: It's my TV. I don't have one at home.
Masaya: KAIKI do you have any thoughts?
KAIKI:   Don't suddenly pass the buck to me. How the hell would I know. Anyway is this really an interview?"


―  It's always like this. First I was turned off, but people are always keeping up appearances, right? But these guys will say anything without concealing a thing. It's pretty exciting now, to the point where I look forward to interviewing them.
KAIKI: Hm. Maybe I was putting on airs in interviews up until now. But being frank will get things across the best. It was interesting to listen. Feels like I got some courage myself. Please rush more and more from now on.


―  Coincidentally this time, KAIKI visited the editorial department and told us joyful and interesting stories. Well please tell us a final word about the single.
u: Were the Kintetsu Buffaloes popular?

Edited by BrenGun

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