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FOXP2 (Australian)

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FOXP2, formally Mischief The Cat, Is a band hailing from Adelaide, Australia.


Guitar and Vocals: Josh Julian 

Bass: Scott Stattmann


FOXP2 is a two-piece rock band from South Australia that explore their fascination with communication through music, a language in of itself.


Forkhead box P2 – or FOXP2, for short – is a gene required for proper development of speech and language regions of the human brain. The existence of the FOXP2 gene suggests that our human urge to communicate with one another is innate.


FOXP2 are a compelling mix of rich lyricism and musicianship, passionate energy, and varied influences ranging anywhere from technical metal to classical to Japanese pop. Their main influences are Japanese rock acts such as ONE OK ROCK, abingdon boys school and Girugamesh, as well as energetic western acts such as Hands Like Houses and Rise Against.




FOXP2's (formerly Mischief the Cat) debut Dual-A side single "HANABI // STARCROSSING" introduces the band's signature energetic and upbeat style, and showcases their musicianship and lyrical prowess in full. 


The inclusion of both English and Japanese versions of the songs displays the band's Japanese rock influences, and is part of their exploration of language through music - and music as language. 



Edited by Suuu

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