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Blood Rain
Senses of justice and blind faith occasionally hurt innocent people
It’s same as malice
We’re infatuated with losing struggles
Within the ‘truth’ someone else decided upon
For the ‘values’ that give weight to life
A completely red flower is planted
Within the ‘truth’ that doesn’t comply with the laws of nature
I wonder, if pain is attached, will they understand it? 
The “answer” they believe so blindly
In a dream, I saw an ideal world With different truths
Dyed red even by people who are still blameless
If the imaginary world depicted in my dream ever becomes a reality
There won’t be any of loss of such upheld ‘justice’ either 
In the name of justice,  justified murderous intent and blind virtue are nearly equal 
In the heart that could be tinged red
The “values” that don’t comply with the laws of nature therefore
Are the answer solved by more pain
The senselessness of a conflicting world
Sadness causes a next sorrow….
In a dream, I saw an ideal world With different truths
Colored red even by people who are still blameless
A red sound reverberates and doesn’t stop ringing
As if drawing a spiral, in the same way people are broken
The ideal world depicted in my dream will never be a reality
But, as has already been raised, there’s also no doubting that “justice is nearly the same as malice”
At times innocent people are hurt by a sense of justice and blind faith
It’s exactly the same as malice.
The death of a loved one is devastating
Yet the death of an enemy brings glory and fame
The death of a single loved one is grievous
But the staggering death toll of war is nothing but ‘a number’
The value of life…
Until I die out…
Through the deserted ruins of the fire, you just keep on walking
Not even addressing
The black of your shadow lost in the red sky
I know it is the same ‘human’
Why you kill me? 
The same 'human’
At the ends of this abnormal world why it’s deprived 
Even when you were broken each day you don’t know those worth 
You’re completely and utterly buried under the ashes that accumulate
A red nightmare in a sea of flickering flame
This life flutters about like a petal
You question value
The meaning of opposition
That’s the reason we fight each other
We only see worth when we lose it
The reason you cry when you lose 'someone’
Is because your heart is shaken, touched by the idea of 'someone.’
Why is it only in that pain? It’s just the stupidity of an idea that can’t be felt
A red nightmare in a sea of flickering flame
This life flickers about like a petal
Your trembling voice, a red sound
Now, the ending world = a future built by 'humans’
It’s a very sorrowful death of a loved one
And yet, enemy’s death made rapture and fame
The death of enormous in war, there is only a 'number’
The life worth is…




A life given      An obscured light 
Scorned values and countless empty shells
The things you were made to whisper to compensate for your lies
Cannot unburden you of the problem, and out of your thoughts flow
The senseless words that burn in the back of your mind 
Substantiated by your way of thinking, you are already
The palace of a fool
Tomorrow you’ll be gone
In a dream sweeter than candy 
You’ll sing, meaning that everything will fall apart and “you” will no longer be visible
Tomorrow you’ll be suffocated
In a past more heartbreaking than anyone’s
If this voice that warned you of the end doesn’t get through to you
The life you were given          Let it shine
Living bathed in the light of your song
Subtle admiration, you secretly envy
Having those borrowed opinions won’t make them yours
Again and again
Your voice pours out regret 
An answer you supposedly understood
Why do you keep making the same mistake? 
The missing pieces accumulate      A false portrait
The gears of time
Can’t wind back, meaning that in impartiality 
Tears overflow from a distorted sky 
In the flow of time 
The answer doesn’t change, only the motive 

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