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Raglaia announce second maxi-single

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Raglaia (the new band by former Aldious singer Rami) will release its 2nd maxi single on 8/12






4月にリリースした1stシングル『ブレーキング・ドーン』がオリコンデイリー13位/週間20位にランクイン、そのリリース後に行われた東名阪クラブク アトロでのワンマンツアーも大成功に収めたラグライア。そのライヴでも演奏された3曲を収録した2ndシングル『プロミシーズ』のリリースが 8/12(水)に決定しました。
RAMI-005 ¥1,500 (tax out) 
1. Aching Memories
2. Promises 
3. Strings of Fate
4. Aching Memories (Instrumental) 
5. Promises (Instrumental)
・Aching Memories (Music Video)
RAMI-006 ¥1,200 (tax out)
1. Aching Memories
2. Promises 
3. Strings of Fate
4. Aching Memories (Instrumental) 
5. Promises (Instrumental)



Bing translates it to 5 songs, 2 are instrumentals of the 3 new tracks. It will come in a CD/DVD package with a DVD for the video "Aching Memories." Price is 1200 Yen, there will be a show on 8/12 to celebrate the launch.

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I'm kinda hoping the next Aldious album tanks and Yoshi decides she's had enough, Rami is healthy, and brings her back.


I'm curious about something. When Rob Halford and Bruce Dickinson were out of Priest and Maiden, fans were calling for their return and just flat out refused to accept their replacements. Now, Rami was out of sight for 2 years with her health issues, but now that she is back, do you think there will be noise among Aldious fans for Rami to return? Or are the Japanese too polite to say that out loud?

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I don't know why Traxan split all news into separate threads like Aldious ones (1 thread for new single, 1 thread for respective PV etc.), especially these news (including Raglaia) have been already posted in another threads before...

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Because it's new news. The old thread was on the first Raglaia single. This is about a new one. It wouldn't make sense to talk in an old thread about new news. And I know human nature. Fewer people would read it. A new thread on new news will get more interest.

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Music video



This video disturbs me a little. Rami looks lifeless and devoid of any energy. Her singing along with the song is without any force, while her band is playing like they were on stage before an audience. If she hadn't been previously sidelined with health problems I wouldn't think much of it. I hope it was an off-day, although really, she shouldn't have approved this. She looks beautiful but she also looks like a zombie.

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