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a flood of circle new album "GOLDEN TIME" release

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a flood of circle new album "GOLDEN TIME" will be released at 2014/11/05 (2 TYPE)


limited edition (3,564yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (3,024yen) will include CD only

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Dr.Duran(The ROOTLESS, Made in Asia) has joined the band at 2014/09/22



[CD track list]
01.GO(Album ver.)
02.Golden Time
05.ホットチョコレート(hot chocolate)
06.Cigarette Roll
07.Black Eye Blues
08.Rodeo Drive


[limited edition DVD track list]
・Golden Time (PV)
・8th Anniversary Oneman Live "レトロスペクティヴ" at 東京キネマ倶楽部 3days documentary

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