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THE BEST BROTHERS will resume activities

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after departure of Gt.サト→(sato) and being on hiatus at 2013/11/20, THE BEST BROTHERS will resume activities at 侑-yuh- presents live at Ikebukuro CYBER at 2014/03/24

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THE BEST BROTHERS current line-up:
Vo.侑-yuh- (ex-オセロ(othello)-->W→FORCE-->sky-->VIVA族(VIVA zoku))
support Gt.羽里璃砂(hazato risa) (JudgemenT)
support Gt.咲妃(saki)
support Ba.うたまる(utamaru) (ex-しゃな。(shana)-->classic.)
support Dr.氷澄(hizumi)

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