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Gt.輝(hikaru) & Dr.魅影(mikage) will join オッドウェイ(oddway)

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after departure of Dr.みずき(mizuki) at 2013/09/20, Gt.輝(hikaru) & Dr.魅影(mikage) will join オッドウェイ(oddway) at their presents live at Shibuya REX at 2013/10/16

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their members session will perform at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2014/01/23


session members:
Gt.輝(hikaru) (オッドウェイ(oddway))
Gt.シキハ(shikiha) (ex-MIL)
Ba.YUKIA (ex-Keith-->DOPES.(support), now in BANSHEE, LINCS(support))
Dr.魅影(mikage) (オッドウェイ(oddway))

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