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Beyond: Two souls

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I just picked this game up yesterday and I'm about 4-5 hours in so far, but man this game is fucking intense. It's so good though everything about it is really well done, the story, characters, plot.. it's all superb. Quantic Dream has definitely outdid themselves with this one, don't get me wrong "Heavy Rain" was one hell of a game and by all means probably way ahead of it's time, but it definitely had it's flaws. This game however definitely has a lot elements taken from "Heavy Rain" but builds upon them tremendously and ends up making them it's own. The best thing this game does is it's action, by far it has the best and most intense action I've seen out of a game in a while. But it also doesn't let that action undermine the story elements. Most of the time in games like this when there is over the top action type sequences the story ends up taking a back seat but that is not the case, here it seems more like the action enhances the story and plot instead of overshadowing it. And don't even get me started on Ellen Page's and William Dafoe's performances in this game... for lack of more descriptive words it is breathtaking. I seriously feel like I'm watching an Oscar worthy movie but instead of just watching it as an observer I'm playing it interactively and feel a part of the experience as a whole. I can only describe it as liberating and revolutionary. Yes there have been other games that have taken this sort of approach towards story telling but never on this scale, I can only hope that this game gets the attention it deserves and in the future more games will take this unique approach to story telling.


If anyone has picked this game up yet, please I urge you to post your opinions on it. Right now this game is seriously gunning for my game of the year spot.



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seriously no one has played this game? I kinda find that hard to believe....


anyways I finished it, and it was glorious. definitely a really good game... I don't feel like it will top The last of us as my game of the year but it came really close, as far as story telling and characters goes it definitely beat TLOU, not by alot but enough for me to know which is better. But it definitely lost in the gameplay mechanics, I mean controlling Aiden and doing all the interactive stuff and the story choices was cool and all but it just doesn't beat the stealth and gun play in TLOU.

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That guy is being extremely harsh (and imo sounds like he has a stick shoved up his arse xD)... The way he is meticulously picking the game apart I almost feel like he went into the game with the intent to shit on it completely... with no preconceived notion of even trying to like it at all. Is the game heavily scripted? Yes. Does the game use non-linear storytelling? Yes. But it is nowhere near as bad as he makes it out to be. I went into the game with a mindset of wanting to enjoy the characters and the storytelling, was I satisfied? Yes I was. The way the story is told through non-linear storytelling makes the plot very confusing leading up, but the more you play the more the missing pieces come into place and you start to see the bigger picture.. This guy has to be completely blinded by his disdain and his preconceived opinion of this game to not see the plot and story come together at the end. Yes it probably would have been better if the game had played out in order in a linear timeline, but I feel the main charm of the game was that it always kept you guessing about certain elements and events in the story instead of laying it all out on the table in chronological order.


What I want to ask is if this guy thought the game was so bad and he literally didn't say one word of praise about anything during the whole review, why did he give it a 4/10? You'd think if someone thought the game was horrible and there was nothing good about it and to go as far as saying that it's not even a game and more like a movie and then going on to say that it blows as a movie too, they would give it a worse score than a 4/10... I personally would say the game is at least a 7/10 and I would recommend renting it until it goes down in price as I do believe for the amount of content the game presents it is not enough to warrant a sixty dollar price tag.


Also this guy has to be smoking crack to not like the acting performances of Ellen Page and William Dafoe, to me that's the best part of this game along with the motion capture.

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