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仙台貨物 (Sendai Kamotsu) - Sukebest

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So, has anyone actually got to listen into the best of collection of reproduced Sendai Kamotsu songs, or even got a hold on the record? What do you guys think?
First of all, the reproduction quality is so-so. It's not bad, but I would have loved a bit more power especially of the guitars. The drums sound awesome in Kamisama(...), but not so in other songs like Saipan or Chenchen-teki aijo koji, where they're even overpowered by midi clapping samples. Speaking of midi samples, man that new midi church organ in Kuririn Manson is unnecessary, the most ugly thing i've experienced on this record definitely.
Chibas voice track seems also to not have been layered carefully onto the other tracks, sometimes it simply overpowers the instrumentals, which is a pity because ultimately what kept me to listen to Sendai Kamotsu was the up-par composition quality which successfully held balance with Chibas craziness.
For the music, it's what we would expect from a Nightmare remake. The overall composition has not changed, apart from some of Sattys guitar solos (which don't really improve anything in comparison to the originals). So the usual deal basically. Chiba has still his crazy falsettos and roarings, and didn't even bother to polish up parts on the old songs where he slightly missed the high notes, instead just redoing it. Well, it's Sendai Kamotsu after all, so it has a kind of comedic effect to it.
The two new songs fit pretty well into the rest of the songs The electronics and member choirs on HERO work very well, and it certainly creates an overall feeling of Chibas soloalbum of last year. Makes a good gig finisher. Okuru Kotoba2 is also a pretty damn good song, Sendai Kamotsu in bestform. i'm not an analyst master so I leave it at that.
For the choice of the remade songs, well, I don't think it was necessary for about 4/5 of the songs to appear because some of them have been just made mere 4 years ago. I can understand that they can't re-release due to label switching, but still it felt too soon and like a sellout-coup (which it is anyway). Instead they would have been much better of with an EP containing the older tracks from 2001-2004 plus the two new tracks. Certainly also because two of the remakes didn't exist as non-demo songs until now, so it would have been pleasing enough. For the rest I personally prefer most of the originals with maybe 2 or 3 exceptions.
How do you type in these stars?? :)

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