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Thee Out Mods is on "hiatus" / Sana (vo) forms The Trippin' Out

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In lieu of an official announcement, 7 Samurai Records instead chose to quietly let Thee Out Mods disappear. Thee Out Mods OHP, official twitter account, and other official profiles were deleted over time. Several official profiles on social media websites were abandoned, but not deleted. ACE, producer for 7 Samurai Records and support guitarist for Thee Out Mods, wrote on his blog that the band is on hiatus until the band members state otherwise.

Thee Out Mods are unofficially disbanded.

Sana (vo) formed The Trippin' Out on December 3, 2012.
Gt: Tatsuya
Ba: "Mr. X" (Yoshiki, formerly of Thee Out Mods)
Sana's official blog: http://ameblo.jp/thetrippinout/
Tatsuya's blog: http://ameblo.jp/trippin2107/
Yoshiki's ("Mr. X") blog: http://ameblo.jp/trippinbass777/

Ken, formerly the drummer of Thee Out Mods, is the "boss" of The Trippin' Out. (Google translation ftw XD)
ACE is the producer (and who knows what else) for The Trippin' Out.

The Trippin' Out released a 3-song demo in January, which they sell at lives.

Despite so many members related to Thee Out Mods now being associated with The Trippin' Out, this new band does not appear to be associated with 7 Samurai Records.

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