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[Games] Mass Effect 3

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Who has played it and beat it? What are your thoughts?

I pretty much played non-stop since it came out last week. However, I am not very happy with how it ended.

The disappointment I am feeling is the same disappointment I felt when Battlestar Galactica ended. Worse I think because I literally invested hundred something hours of time into the Mass Effect series. I literally explored every damn corner of the universe, did every side quest and several play throughs, so it's just hard to accept this shitty halfassed ending. I know the game was delayed already so I assume this ending was rushed because I doubt EA would allow Bioware to delay the game again.

Don't get me wrong, the game was fucking awesome all the way up till the last 10 minutes. God, I've been feeling so bummed about it that I'm having a hard time starting a second game.

Honestly though, what irritates me the most is that there is no real final boss. At least Battlestar they had 'the colony' all through implemented as the last minute poorly.

Mass Effect you had Harbinger, Harbinger was made out to be the main antagonist. At one point in Mass Effect 3 Anderson (or Hackett) mention something that kind of hints that Harbringer is duh boss Reaper. But what do we see of Harbringer? He just shows up to laser you in the face and that's it. Then it just goes down hill from there with space ghost kid and space magic.

You know what I wanted? A hard but fun, epic and climatic battle and boss fight.

Here's how I would have done the ending, instead of taking a damn laser to the face. You make your way aboard the Citadel. Fight your way through Reaper and Cerberus infested halls. Cerberus and the Reaper forces fight side by side, indicating just how much control the Reapers have over the Illusive Man. Maybe you make your way into the chamber that creates the Keepers, maybe a mini boss or something cool like that. Would be fun, fucking Phantoms and Husks coming after you while being shot at by Centurions and Cannibals. That would be hard!

Finally get to the Illusive Man, dialogue remains the same, maybe him denying that he's under control. This sort of mirrors the whole sequence with Saren I guess, either convince him to kill himself or you fight him. He can mind control your squad mates so you find yourself being shot in the face by Garrus or something. Would be fun boss fight!

Defeat him, open the Citadel.

Talk to the stupid ghost boy, maybe here you can argue and finally reveals that the ghost boy is Harbinger trying to convince you to make stupid choices that benefit the Reapers. Harbinger comes, you fight the fucker in a humongous awesome epic boss fight.

There's no way Shepard and friends could take down a Reaper without help. So all those war assets you've been gathering? Yeah well now they're actually worth gathering since they didn't mean shit with the current ending. Perhaps if you saved the Rachni in the first game, they assist you by swarming one of Harbinger's leg and tearing it off. Maybe you'd get a Geth and Quarian fleet bombardment to take out some of Harbinger's weapons. Aria calls in her mercenary army that has suicidal Vorcha that do some heavy damage. Jack has those biotic kids, maybe she shows up and does some ridiculous biotic damage. Suddenly all that shit you've done in all the previous games suddenly mean something. They're all here helping you, how cool would that be?

I understand the constraints with a big game like this and having multiple endings. Some people demanded things like 16 unique endings and I'm not asking for anything like that. Just a boss fight and some variation of what kind of help you would get from all those war assets and people you've allied with over the last two games.

Then Bioware can dump you into the ending with ghost boy and space magic. I honestly don't need a happy ending, I had assumed from the beginning that Shepard was probably going to die or at least die in the canon ending.

Just have it so that those choices you made and connections you had actually mean something.

TL:DR - Needs an epic final boss fight, make the choices and war assets you gather actually mean something. Doesn't need to be a happy ending and can be the same damn bullshit. Just have a cool fight that utilizes the resources, connections and characters you have met in the previous game to have some importance.

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loved every second of it! even tough the ending, but it just felt right for me

it was something everything was pointing to and really a good end of the journey

plus all the stuff that happened

really an emotional rollercoaster, some stuff that happenend really shook me up!

really really loved the game and im thinking of starting part 1 again and going all up to 3

one of the best games ever and loved playing it.

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