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Almost didn't make this post--still not sure if it's technically allowed here--so sorry for the late notice.


I run an UNDER CODE PRODUCTION fan community called WE LOVE UNDER CODE, and this weekend I'm sponsoring to events for the community (but also for UCP fans at large). So, although it's really short notice, I thought I'd post about them here just in case there's some poor lonely UNDER CODE fan who has nothing to do Saturday night.


VIRTUAL SUPPRESSION is a “virtual concert” that will be streaming live, via USTREAM, on November 19th at 12:00 noon (EST). The “virtual concert” basically entails me streaming a bunch of pre-recorded live clips of UNDER CODE bands. However, to make it worth everybody's while, I've chosen clips that most people haven't seen--so I guarantee at least one of them will be new to you.

I'm not revealing the exact setlist, but the show is divided into two sections: Retrospect Chronicle, devoted to older bands, and Prospect Chronicle, devoted to newer bands; the total running time is around 2 hours. Furthermore, there will be prizes, TBA. Again, the event starts at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time; check the information page below for time conversions and other details.


⇒ USTREAM channel


Secret Santa second season is... Secret Santa, for UNDER CODE fans. I'm notoriously bad at explaining it, but it's basically just anonymous Christmas gift giving. At any rate, I did it last year with just the community, and it was lots of fun, so this year I'll try to wrangle in some non-LJ-member UCP fans.

What's unique about our version is that you can sign up for either physical or digital (or both) presents. So if you have no money to spend, but can send someone a digital Christmas card with KISAKI plastered all over it, you're still welcome to join! Again, I'm being very last minute here, so sorry: registrations to join the WE LOVE UNDER CODE Secret Santa game end November 20th. So if you're interested, sign up now!

⇒ Secret Santa second season information/signups

Well, that's it! Hope you're all fine with me posting this here, even though it's not about “real” events. But hopefully at least one stray UNDER CODE fan will see this post and participate~

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