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Arch Enemy

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Not a regular listener, but a great damn band! Guitars and drums are second to none in the metal world, and Angela can belt it out like few can. However, pure death vocals get tiring with me, and I prefer bands that change it up like the Agonist and Into Eternity, though their styles are notably different.

Another thing I love about AE is that they strive to get beyond the whole "Chick Metal" thing that has been going on. Who gives two shits if a band has a female front if the band sucks? Same question should apply when they rock. Angela doesnt play the sex card, and the band stands on their own with any other, without regard to the gender of their singer. Few, few other bands can make this claim. They do what they do, and the band never begs the question about gender, and they do their best to downplay it from the media.

Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Halestorm, Cthonic, and Epica (one of my favs). All chick bands keeping the stereotype alive, despite any level of talent/lack thereof. If you ever have to say "They are female fronted, but they really rock." or "They are just as good as any guy band.", youve already lost me. Why should it ever be a consideration?

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