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Lamina - Deep darks fortress & Hatred & blossom

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This is a kind of rough of the translation, but u can get an idea of what ibuki sings... hope u like it. (not my translation)

also, i can work on romaji if requested.

Deep darks Fortress

白い要塞の中で笑う (Smiling in a white fortress)

黒い水面にただ泣き浮かぶ (Or sorrowfully floating in dark waters)

裂けた大地に潤いの水を (In bursting lands)

注ぎ貴方への道を延ばす (The pouring water of the moisture lengthens the road that leads me to you)

愛を夢を希望を手に輝きを放つ。(A hand emitting radiance. Hope, illusion, love.)

例え身が壊れようとも、染まりゆく淀みを切り離すと... (Marks are left whenever a body perishes)

月の滴を集めては空へ再び投げ戻して。(assembling moon drops to put them back in the sky)

暗い闇からの支配者は我の汚れなき脳裏を汚す。(The governor of the absolute darkness has stained my immaculate mind)

狭い隙間、転がる様に浸食して (The eroded fissure seems to tumble)

不自然な笑みを零す道化師と私の二人芝居... (That's the drama of both a clown with a forced smile and me)

逃げても逃げてもすぐに現れる。(Appearing and disappearing repeatedly)

永久螺旋終わることはなくて。(This eternal spiral knows no end)

深い森へと足を進めやがて未だ見ぬ景色広がる。(I'm swifting to a deep forest, unable to see the spreading scenery yet)

暗い暗い暗い悲しみが渦巻いた、(The blinding sadness coiled)

この小さな両手を高くかざし全てを受けるて止めた。(You pointed your small hands to the spiral, and then ceased)

まるで母にすがる子供の様に... (Just like a child, that completely relies on her mother)

天と地が今逆さまに映り、罪と罰と私を浄化して... (Heaven and earth are now reflected upside down, and thus sin and resentment purify me)

静かに闇、安らかに眠って... (I'm sleeping peacefully in calm darkness)



『布教配下の者達へ...』 ("Followers...")

腐った死骸 その身で運べ (You're rotting remains)

『信ずる我が身へ...』("The one who you believe in...")

神の蜃気楼 今こそ讃え (That "godly mirage" is surely being worshipped at the moment)

召されるがままの状態で見た愚蓮*の光 (Treacherously seducing people with junk)

『壊さなければいけないもの』("God mustn't destroy...")

愛情 (love)

感情 (affection)

人情 (kindness)

強情 (perseverance)

『布教配下の者達へ...』 ("Believers...")

聳え立つ望 残酷な園 (Your biggest aspiration is this cruel kingdom)

餌づいた脳裏に影を創り身を嘱す。(This dark invention belongs to your greedy minds)

Believer,Raise your hand.



静かに日は昇る (Calmly, the sun rises)

静かに花は揺れる (Calmly, a flower sways)

微かに足音が… (Weak footsteps)

微かに人の声が… (And a weak voice)

また悲しそうな顔して (Doing sorrowful faces)

子供をあやす様に (Like a dandling child)

貴方重い口を開く(You open your taciturn mouth)

大丈夫だよと。(It's OK if)

優しい嘘をついた貴方は、私の手強くを握る。(Your gentle lie grasped my hand strongly)

儚い命が散った後には、私の命が散るんでしょう? (After your ephemeral/empty flower/life gets scattered, will you scatter my life?)

最後の願い、聞いて下さい。(Please, listen to my last petition)

『もう一度強く抱きしめて…』("Hug me tightly once more")

『どれだけ苦しめば楽になれるの?』 (How much should I suffer until this becomes comfortable?)

消えないで貴方私の前から…羽ばたく姿を見ていてね? (Am I watching your unfading figure flapping from ahead?)

苦しさは速度を増して辺りは暗くなっていく。(Pain increases and everything's going dark)

夢にみた無数の星たちは、私を迎えに来たんだね。(The uncountable stars i dreamt of came to pick me up)

薄れいく意識の中では貴方との季節繰り返される。(My fading consciousness is a repeated story of you)

私は闇に抱かれ、やがて静かに日は落ちる。(I'm embracing darkness and hopefully this calm day will end)

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