A ProTip is a piece of advice, from a pro, to help someone become a pro themselves (I'm no pro btw, I'm just using the word)
I'd like to dedicate this thread to those of us, who have seen our fair share of dates, or relationships, and may have some wisdom to share for those who are new to dating/relationships, or would like to read our tips in order to help them improve/gain some insight from others experiences.
I hope that with this thread, we can answer some people's concerns, or prove/debunk myths when it comes to dating/relationships.
I hope I can learn a thing myself.
I created the thread, so I guess I'll add the first one.
Pro Tip:
Don't EVER, under any circumstance, make assumptions about the person you are dating/seeing.
It's up to you to ask questions (point of a date) and shed some light on things (you want to get to know them, right?), so you don't go assuming and acting on what may have been, taken out of context.
Some examples of phrases I've heard/said myself before on dates, confirming that assumptions can be/were made:
"Oh. You're one of those...."
"Well, that explains things"/"Ah, makes sense now"/"Hmm. Well, no wonder."/"OK then."
"You're not like the others..."
"You're all the same"
"You must/must not get that a lot"
IF, by chance, you have those thoughts, DON'T SAY IT TO THEM.
They are your thoughts, not facts.
What can happen is, you will be DROPPED/LET GO, because your assumptions caused them to make assumptions.
The irony.
No one wants to be grouped into something that they may not even be a part of.
This is why asking questions and getting answers are the best alternative.