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Posts posted by Nikkolas

  1. The second one. A band with the softer sound of Gackt MM or an oshare kei band since I haven't heard anything by an Oshare artist and I want to try.


    Really I'm just trying to find some more Vk bands to listen to. Broaden my horizons so to speak.

  2. So I'm into anime and stuff and thus when I first got teh internet I met a lot of girls who were crazy about Gackt and Malice Mizer and whatnot.
     MM and Mana's subsequent act Moi dix Mois have been teh two Japanese bands I listen to most. I like MdM but I enjoyed Gackt-era Malice Mizer's sound. It's softer and sweeter than their last album or the more full on Goth metal Moi dix Mois employs.


    So I was wondering if anyone can recommend me a visual kei band with a similar sound to MM in Merveilles? I was thinking maybe Oshare Kei could be my thing since it's supposed to be the lighter, poppier type of VK. What are some good Oshare Kei bands then?

  3. So pardon me, I'm new to both this forum and visual kei. Well, I have listened to vis kei bands my friends told e about but I've never really
    gotten into the scene" if you understand me.


    Anyway, I was looking up the different styles of Visual Kei and Oshare interested me. I found a video on YT about Oshare bands and even last.fm had a list of Ohsare Kei bands. There was one band I was trying to find but it's like impossible via Google.




    At 1:30 there's a pic of a group called Love Can Can?

    How do you actually spell their name? I can't even find them to try and look for their albums or anything. I have no idea if they're good or not....

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