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Posts posted by TheStoic

  1. Their mixes always had the electronics and vocals so loud in the mix, that the guitar and rhythm sections - which were the best aspect of their sound - drowned out.  Their recordings really took away from their potential.  While I love the talent Leda has, and with Sujk behind the kit and Keita holding his own - they should have executed better - but they never seemed to compose a record that really took off.


    At this point, I just want Leda to keep making heavy music with solid heavy vocals.  I hope that he ends up back in a band with a heavier theme.

  2. Seiya has great chops.  The Incipit instrumental track is proof enough he is a great writer.  I hope the vocalist they recruit can bring some solid vocals.  I'm really interested to see how this turns out.


    I feel for both of them as Deviloof just took off in popularity internationally after Jared Dines watched the new Deviloof PV without them.  I still think their songs with Seiya were even better, but to miss the boat like that must suck.

  3. I am sure this might have been discussed in another thread - so forgive me if this is redundant - but I'm trying to find a free VPN Website/Proxy that accesses Japanese content and YouTube.  I have UK and EU proxy sites, but am still limited when trying to access Japanese native content.  Let me know if anyone can help me out as I have been looking for a simple solution for a while.  Thanks.

  4. I moved to Japan in 2002 and started with Kisou after buying a copy of it after seeing the band in a Shoxxx VK magazine.  I was wowed, and worked my way back from there; Kisou was still my favorite at that point, but I enjoyed the others.  Then once Six Ugly was released however, I fell in love with the band's more western and heavier sound and have been following through the evolution ever since.


    I second the comment by Kaye to start with Vulgar.  It has accessibility and heaviness and blends it all well - from there is the question to go heavier and darker (all post-Vulgar work) or lighter and poppier (all pre-Vulgar work).

  5. The production really takes away from how hard the riffs hit in these tracks.  The instruments are too low in the mix compared to the vocals, and the bass needs to be up to make those heavy sections really punch.


    Don't get me wrong, I like this band and this music, but I honestly think the production is holding them back.


    Edit:  The synth sounds are also way too front and center.

  6. I like it just fine at this point.  It sounds like a return to the Beautiful Deformity era.  Not my favorite Gazerock era, but it has some punch and hooks, so I'll take it.  I'd like them to experiment with some acoustic ballads again, like Reila, Cassis, or Dark Long Night again, instead of all chuggy rock - Ominous was a good track for the change of pace.  I really like the Dogma release, so I hope the new album stays heavy like that bug tries to get more proggy and experimental as seen in tracks like 13 stairs and Undying.

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