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Posts posted by Junpei'sGirl

  1. Thanks!

    I have to have a picture to draw from and it takes me forever, but the first picture is my favorite I've ever done, not only is it of my favorite member, so I got to stare at his picture for a few weeks while working on the drawing, but out of all the pictures I had of him, none of them showed all the details that well, so I was trying to memorize the details from his outfit after one of the concerts and he kept catching me staring at him and eventually he asked me if I needed something, so I explained why I was staring and he was like "OH!? Look all you want!" and posed and turned and whatnot so I could see the details, lol! He was adorable!

  2. Just check on my cd order due to ship at the end of the month...one of the CDs I ordered that is due to come out on the 14th is already in stock- that is at least 5 days early! ...tell me why it never happens with the last release of my orders (T_T)

    20% OFF OF PURCHASES BETWEEN $100-$174
    (Shipping will be added AFTER the discount)

    EXTRA: prices lowered!!
    -Prices are in US dollars. Shipping not included, will be shipping from NC, USA.
    -I accept Paypal only
    -Can combine cds from my '150+CDs' sell post with items from this post!
    -Feel free to ask for pics or if you have any questions!


    Choshinsei- Time to Shine- Japan Special Edition [w/DVD, Limited release] ($60)$55
    (this comes with cd, dvd, short manga, and more!)

    DIO- Tour Dictator ($45)$40

    Moon Child (English Subtitles) [initial pressing Limited Release] ($90)$70
    (comes with 3 discs, 3 art cards, photo album-as in one you can put pics in, and it all comes in a special box)

    Uchusentai Noiz- Japan Toy's Panic Kingof Oneman Show 2009-2010 Live DVD ($60)$50

    Plastic Tree- Merry Go Round the World [Limited Edition] ($65) $55
    (t-shirt not included, but still has the special box it came packaged in)

    Plastic Tree- ゲシュタルト崩壊 DVD ($43)$38

    Tokyo Michael- イルミナティ、ノヲト ($17)$15

    Vidoll- Flashback ($35)$30

    凛 -the end of corruption world- Independent "MAZE" FILM ($43)$38

    Band Merchandise:

    AAA- keychain ($7)

    Alice Nine- Piece of 5ive elements 「THE BOOK」-Alice Nine 5th- -photobook from 2010 tour (signed! $50)$40

    Alice Nine- wristband from 2010 tour ($20)$18

    Alice Nine- towel from 2010 tour ($30)$25

    D=OUT- strap from 2010 tour ($15)$13

    D=OUT- folder from 2010 tour ($10)

    D=OUT- towel from 2010 tour ($30)$25

    Irokui- Mirror from 2010 tour ($25)

    Irokui- signed photo of the band from 2010 tour ($25)$20

    Jun Matsumoto- 2 sided photo/poster thing I got at Japanese festival 2011 ($10)

    Kagrra- 10th anniversary folder ($15)$10

    Kagrra- 10th anniversary photo ($15)$10

    KAT-TUN- Playing cards ($7)

    Miyavi- wristband from 2010 tour ($20)$18

    Miyavi- folder from 2010 tour ($10)

    Plastic Tree- Re:chord -photobook from 2010 tour ($25)$20

    R-shitei- Bassist Nanahashi's custom pick ($15) $10

    Scandal- pin ($5)

    SuG- 2 stickers from 2010 tour ($8 )$6

    Uchusentai Noiz- wristband from 2010 tour ($20)$18

    Unite- pin ($5)

    Versailles- wristband from 2010 tour ($20)$18

    Versailles- towel from 2010 tour ($30)$25

    Vivid- sticker pack from 2010 tour (never opened) ($15)$12

    xTRiPx- sticker ($4)

    Kirakira Summer Typhoon!! 2011 tour trading cards- Regular Cards- 1 for $5, 3 for $12, 6 for $20
    Special Cards- 1 for $8, 2 for $14, 3 for $20

    pics for most of the band merchandise listed here as well as more items not listed (like trading cards, stickers, postcards, and more) can be found here:




  4. this is me...from work yesterday...typically have to wear a uniform (blouse and suit jacket), but sales manager called me the day before and said to wear bright colored shirt and cute hairstyle because they were having an event with lots of potential clients...



  5. I have seen some pics of Hizaki with no make up where he look kinda bad, but I have also seen some where I still think he is pretty.

    But yeah, I apparently have a thing for the members who dress like girls or show their stomachs or thighs!

  6. Sure I watched alot of anime (always subbed!) and liked alot of the opening and ending theme songs...would sing along to some of them even...but never really thought about it being anything more than part of the anime...


    So the first time that I was introduce to/actually started listening to jrock (and other japanese music) was...

    When: Fall 2009

    Where: Seinan Gakuin University- Fukuoka, Japan

    First Band/Song: No freakin clue, but high possibility it was a GazettE or Alice Nine song...

    How: Another exchange student that I became friends with is a huge fan of jrock and has been for many many years...she introduced me one day to the music...and by introduced, I mean gave me a crash course one day a few weeks into our stay- we spent hours on her computer of her playing songs and watching pvs...probably had 20+ bands thrown at me that day...and countless number of songs. I was overloaded with information and therefore couldn't remember anything other than that it was love and I wanted more!

    She sent me back to my room at the end of the night with a small portion, about 2 or 3gb, of her collection. I started to listen to the music almost non-stop, but with as many bands and songs as had been thrown at me all at once, it took about 3 weeks of constantly asking my friend to listen and tell me who was playing and a Saturday spent watching full concerts on her computer before I finally started being able to recognize a few bands/songs.

  7. Thanks!

    (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) vistlip=love!!!

    I believe I have all the CDs and DVDs except for 1 DVD from the release of THEATER! And I have one other cd from before that... One of these days I hope to have the money to complete my collection! (though a friend of mine provided me with all the music I don't have CDs of, so I'm not actually missing any music that I'm aware of...)

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