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Posts posted by Nobody


    International release of MIYAVI’s self titled album “MIYAVI” is scheduled to start in October 2013 in the European countries(UK, France, Germany, etc), and Asian countries (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, etc), both Physical and Digital, which will be followed by release in the South and North American countries!
    Actual release dates are TBC.
    The album will not be available on iTunes and other digital platforms outside of Japan until the official release date of the album for each countries/regions.
    Each of the above countries will set the release dates based on their own marketing, and to keep the integrity of the release on every individual regions to the fullest, digital release will be linked to that of the physical release.
    Lastly, we ask our sincere fans for your continuous support towards MIYAVI. We sure will be needing all of your support to make MIYAVI’s worldwide debut a huge event!!"
    I saw that yesterday floating around that explains it. 
    My best guess is that maybe they release it in different regions closer to when his international tour may be? He may be touring in Asia and EU in or around October and maybe the Americas in November. That would make the most sense to me anyways... Guess we wont know til something is announced. 

  2. I heard that they didn't return to North America cause Kamijo had some problems with the local promoters... since he is not there anymore maybe they'll go :)


    really? that is shit. hopefully they will not let kamijo grip their balls anymore then. at least until they have a "reunion" 

  3. just heard the preview of the songs from the album... its definitely different..


    i will go to another concert if he does come to Atlanta again, though.



    btw, the cake vodka milkshake... i assume that the woman's face at the end when she tried it for the first time... that shall be the faces of many women who listen to the album for the first time. maybe it will grow on em. eh

    and cake vodka is the sweetest, most horrendous vodka in existence. cotton candy vodka is a close second, however.



    found a convenient tumblr post with all the previews of the album songs from iTunes together right here.


    also, if i had to pick a couple that i thought for sure i would like... it would be Cry Like This and No one know my name (Slap it). 

    Day 1 seems a bit out of place in comparison now though... It sounds very similar to the previous version except for the beginning of the song which is remixed fairly nicely. also, Free World is just hilarious to me.

  4. Just as an fyi, the whole "Stop sharing" thing is a gigantic gag. What Nao, the drummer, is saying at the end is stuff like, "Stop shouting about uploading to Winny, nobody does that anymore. Look even the kids are gone because of your shouting. Look, now the last one is gone too." Obviously, yes, they probably do support that "please stop sharing," ethic, but the entire "stop stop winny upload~" seems to a bit of a deliberate over-exaggeration.


    sounds legit.


    looking forward to the new album, obviously. i need more hormone in my life.

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