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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Yay Free Burrito

  2. So I hear the Argentina show for the GazettE was canceled. 

  3. Wekfest was pretty cool.

  4. Just spent another $500 on Check-In Fees/Seat locale for my flight. I hate airlines.

  5. VK OG's what are  you doing? STAHP.

  6. Only been here 2 hours at work, and everyone is already down each other's throats. Hehe I love it.

  7. Screw's BRILIANT sounds so damn fitting as a last release.

  8. Darkwave all day baby.

  9. bITCHes this paper isn't going to type itself.

  10. Just listened to FUKI's Ankoku Butokai in Dragon guardian.





  11. God I hope they announce an upgrade to the Mac Mini.


    I really need a new desktop.

  12. Yeezus kryst I need sleep.

  13. Jyess. The love for Kiryu is growing.


  14. So weak right now, that I can't even be mad bro.

  15. I didn't know that DOGMA and TOXIC were available to listen to offline on amazon prime. Cool.

  16. I've never bid on stuff before, let alone japanese Vk lol

  17. Happy Bday Bday people!

  18. Any of you like/dress the "mori" kei fashion style?


    Looks so comfortable.

  19. Just when I thought life was finally gonna kick me in the balls, I see that lynch. saves my ass yet again.


    Good god that was close.

  20. People, I need more introductory artist mixtapes!





  21. Dance Gavin Dance is like the only American Band I follow anymore lol.



  22. Holy shit does my upper back hurt.

    Wtf happened?

  23. Leonardo DiCaprio and President Barack Obama in one room.


    Never thought I'd see the day lol

  24. So glad 宇多田ヒカル decided to take that long break.


    Her album sounds shows what time off can do.

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