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Posts posted by fragmentedNaito

  1. Nightmare fans! I need some help. My friends and I want to do a group Nightmare copslay (for 2014 Anime Central) but the thing is we want to do the most ICONIC look Nightmare has ever had. So when you picture them, what look do you see? The more responses to this will help greatly! If you can't get a hold of me here then try my Twitter @fragmentedNaito 

  2. I love the mature, complex sound that Nightmare has been putting out of late but I do miss the crunchy, heaviness that their first set of albums had. If somehow they could blend the two sounds in a way that you could tell its two different Nightmare styles I would love it instantly.

  3. @madygrain Im hoping it has more of a rock feel to it then [sCUMS] did. I mean the dubstep and all that was placed well but the album was everywhere musically and didn't really flow like their others did.

  4. Gosh i just love Nightmare. Like some of their fans I found them threw Death Note as well and from then on I have been hooked! My personal favorite is Ni~ya but Ruka is my Idol. I'm excited about their release(s?) in August of this year.

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