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Posts posted by wolfenflautist

  1. Honestly, I'm not familiar with ANY of the songs on your list, but I AM familiar with X Japan, so I'll just have to go with that one. lol

    1. Epica - The Phantom Agony (Single Version)
    2. Two Steps from Hell - Ironwing
    3. Two Steps from Hell - Asimov
    4. Epica - Sancta Terra
    5. Two Steps from Hell - Spirit of Moravia
    6. Two Steps from Hell - He Who Brings the Night
    7. Matenrou Opera - Camel
    8. Two Steps from Hell - Destructo
    9. Two Steps from Hell - The Last Stand
    10. Matenrou Opera - Just Be Myself

    Okay. I SWEAR that I have more than these three. My iPod must think that I need more Two Steps from Hell and Epica in my life. Thanks, iPod. At least you played TWO Matenrou Opera songs. I feel a lot better now. xD

    And I chose Santa Terra as my favorite song because there was a time not too long ago that I could relate to a small portion of the lyrics.

  2. I've not really listened to a whole lot, either. But I definitely LOVE Matenrou Opera's album, 喝采と激情のグロリア! Then again...they're my favorite band. Regardless of my bias, I think that they're great. Awesome stuff! And I've not listened to all of the Daybreak single (even though it's only two songs), but that one was...meh. Shadowplay is great, though. A step up from Daybreak. I've yet to listen to Affection, so I haven't listened to the whole Shooting Star single, either. That one was also pretty alright. I'm pretty excited for some of the new releases coming out like Jupiter's single and new album (seriously...why is it that they're coming out with so much so close together?), D's new single, and Kamijo's solo debut single. Definitely a lot of stuff to look forward to!

    Oh! And Dalath's album, The Rust, is really good, too! I wonder when they're gonna release more stuff. It seems like they've been too busy even to post in their blogs lately.

  3. I asked Yamada on Twitter if they were gonna release a DVD for the tour final, and he said that he didn't know. So I guess we'll have to wait and see if they say anything on the band's website.

  4. Yeah! I joined not too long ago! Glad to see that you're also on here! xD

    And I dunno. A DVD would be nice (though pricey)! Maybe of the -scene II- or -scene III- finales. We'll just have to wait and see!

  5. Since they're my favorite band, I'm pretty biased when it comes to me liking their music. I freaking LOVE Kassai to Gekijou no Gloria. When the PV came out, I was just a mess. And the whole album is just wonderful. I especially love 悪魔の翼. But I love the whole thing.

    Again, since they're my favorite band, it would make sense that I just love their music in general, and I do. Awesome music, talented members, and one especially sexy bassist. *cough* lol

  6. Hey! I joined last night and figured that it'd be good for me to get to know more people in the J-rock fandom. I've been mostly active on Facebook and actually run a couple of pages. I'm the main admin of the Matenrou Opera US Street Team (and no, we're not official)and the Dalath US Support Team. I'm also trying to learn Japanese since I want to be a translator. On occasion, I do draw (and it's not always easy considering I also have school to worry about). It's nice to be a part of this community! どうぞよろしくお願いします!(^^)v

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