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Posts posted by wanahton

  1. A thread for discussing smartphones. Why you love or hate the ones you own and the ones you wish you had. 


    I'm late to the band wagon and want to get my first phone. Haven't even owned a cellphone before, but I've realized it would make my life easier if I did have one. Can anyone recommend me a good one? I don't want an Iphone. Too expensive. Perferably something under $200. I probably won't receive or make calls on it that much.  But I will probably do a moderate amount of web surfing. 


    I want to knw hw a smartphone starts up in comparison to a computer. As we all knw, In a computer, whn the power is switched on, BIOS starts operation. It checks all the input nd output devices, ports etc nd then loads the OS frm secondary memory like floppy or CD or Hard disk into RAM. then OS takes control of computer. Is same happens in case of Smartphones nd Tablets?

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