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Everything posted by KazumaFujiwara

  1. KazumaFujiwara

    I don't have any brother =( , just 3 sisters, so i'm always by myself with stuff, but no matter i'm used to it ^ _ ^ .
  2. KazumaFujiwara

    I already got super powerful kicks, lol, i walk around a loooot and my legs are very strong, so if i kick the hell outta my dad he'll shit himself twice before he falls.
  3. KazumaFujiwara

    which album/song would that be?
  4. KazumaFujiwara

    I've wondered that same question myself. It seems like bad stuff always happens to good people while i see a lot of people who don't deserve good things get away scot-free in life. but that's just life i guess, lots of ups, too many downs.
  5. KazumaFujiwara

    that's why i'm glad i don't have to take my parent's crap anymore, they know better.
  6. KazumaFujiwara

    oooooh, i haven't heard that song for a while. I need to download it again.
  7. KazumaFujiwara

    I haven't exactly been in the middle of a divorce, but there were plenty (too many times actually) where my mom would leave my dad and try to take me and my sisters with her but my dad wouldn't let her, etc etc. Yeah, I'm not sure what it is about parents that makes their kid's lives worse, but at least i know what to avoid with my children.
  8. KazumaFujiwara

    When I would play silkroad I would talk people into lowering their prices of stuff they were selling XD!!!!, so yes. Would you go streaking through a mall?
  9. KazumaFujiwara

    I hate my dad too. BUT i have the pleasure knowing if he pisses me off good enough that i can beat the crap outta him ^ _ ^ And god, the same thing happened with me and my gf. If ANYONE called for me my mom would let me know except if it was my gf. And if she DID tell me she called it was like hours after i got home.
  10. KazumaFujiwara

    Merry - Kanashimi blue train
  11. KazumaFujiwara

    Sadie - Psycho Culture , really good song ^ _ ^ , reminds me of a dir en grey song, but i don't know which one though.
  12. KazumaFujiwara

    *sniff sniff* wh---what kinda cookies? How about potato cookies?
  13. KazumaFujiwara

    Chthonic - Banished Into Death, even though i'll be listening to quasi putrefaction in a minute.
  14. KazumaFujiwara

    ^ Me after your post
  15. KazumaFujiwara

    I enjoyed Dixanadu, in fact the only songs i can say i didn't like was the intro and ending songs, but then again those are intro and ending songs so they're not really expected (at least for me) to be over the top, and lapis nights dream, they could've put that at the end of xanadu or the beginning of lamentful miss, but oh well. I like how the redid a couple of songs, but I'd like to see a whole album dedicated to remakes of some of their songs. Even more I'd like to see some of the malice mizer songs redone with a m10m style, beast of blood would be a very good song to redo.
  16. KazumaFujiwara

    i hate my computer!!!! it's a piece of crap. My friend let me use his.... in a way, cuz he doesn't have the net so he pretty much let me use his comp to download a bunch of games to (which takes a lot of time to do that) and while i was downloading them he was playing his dreamcast, but that screwed up so he decided to take his comp back =\ , which means i can't play silkroad.
  17. KazumaFujiwara

    not a big fan ey... *sharpens knife* I think Mr. K. Nife can PERSUADE YOU!!!! *whoosh whoosh*!!!
  18. KazumaFujiwara

    Sure do!! Likes eating sushi?
  19. KazumaFujiwara

    I want them to already come out with another album DAMMIT! >< , even though Dixanadu came out not long ago. You guys think they will attempt to try to do another tour out here? Because if they don't *gets out shotgun with pitch fork tapped to it*
  20. KazumaFujiwara

    Shinya's so skinny that he's aerodynamic, which is why he drum his ass off ^ _ ^
  21. KazumaFujiwara

    I've only heard very few songs of X Japan ( TT __ TT ) BUT! the ones I have listened to were very good.
  22. KazumaFujiwara

    Moi Dix Mois' Dix Infernal Album, sound different than Dixanadu, haha.
  23. KazumaFujiwara

    Yes sniffs something before eating it?
  24. KazumaFujiwara

    Probably took the words right out of my mouth.
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