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About Honyara

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch

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  1. Honyara

    Bump... prices are negotiable =)
  2. Honyara

    Prices changed for the photosets.
  3. Honyara

    I posted them now here Magatsu
  4. Honyara

    Sure, would you send me a pm with adress and where I should send the paypal invoice?
  5. Honyara

    Updated the post with links to the pictures. I'm not quite sure, if this is Genki...I totally forgot about those cheki :/
  6. Honyara

    Edited my previous post, picture will follow later.
  7. Selling some older stuff (most indie bands). As for the cheki's I have to beg your pardon, I don't get together who is who....For it lay in a box over years I totally forgot about them Hope it is allowed to post a link to my fb, if not, I'll upload the pics in here. Thx for reading. Prices are negotiable // Shipping cost not in the price // shipping cost : Europe : 4€ (+2€ by supplement); International : 5€ (+2€ by supplement) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151657057057039.1073741825.637327038&type=1 For some of you don't have facebook and can't see my stuff, I'm posting them here (but first without pics) CD: * AibeLL - 夢色クレヨン 6€ * アルミ國土 (Alumi Land) - 銀色月世界 8€ (CD comes with a photo) * Arc - 想乃心 8€ * Bergerac - Genocide Streaming 10€ * Berergac Photoset 15€ * 蜂-biene- - SUR DANCE 8€ * bis - 平成コマネチ (Tsubasa edition) 8€ * CD Cellt - リヂィア 10€ // DVD Cellt - リヂィア 5€ (together 12€) * Duel Jewel - Visions 10€ * E'm~Grief~ - Pains of Aspiration 5€ * [omnibus] High Style Paradox IV 8€ * Jewel - Ugly 5€ (unopened) * Jewel - Clockwork [5]th Parade 10€ (unopened) * MaRiLL - Insvitation 8€ * パニックちゃんねる VS PANIC☆ch「新人戦」~夢に向かって 編~ 10€ * パニックちゃんねる VS PANIC☆ch「デビュー戦」~みんなの誓い 編~ 5€ (unopened] * PANIC?ch - Father's Expressions 10€ * お遊戯ゎが魔々団×【PaRADEiS】 - 残された欠片の戯曲 8€ * ReivieR - Declare 10€ * R指定 - オカルト地獄 8€ * るヴぃえ (Ruvie] - Ivory Sun Light + Primitive Moon Light (just together) 20€ * tarrot - ~新未来ゲート 5€ * The Gazette - Stacked Rubbish 15€ * Cross Gate 2008 ( chariots - Jade // ?????? - honey drop // Siva - concealement // Juka - ??? (Suimenka), ?? - enemy) 8€ * JUDGMENT #004 (2008.10.22) [ Omnibus ] 8€ * [Omnibus] 枕詞 - HOLIDAY SHINJUKU発、01.Bergerac - fascinating // 02.メロウ- 喜劇の降る日に傘 // 03. TRiCK - 雨色 8€ * VanessA - Love of Insanity 5€ * VanessA - P.S.D. / I feel you 5€ * Veronica - Code No. S.M 10€ (comes with a DVD) * Villain - MAZE 10€ (unopened) * vNeu - Pulse New World 8€ * xTripx - Sieasta 8€ * Zip.cy - 放浪日記 8€ DVD * Bandshock DVD Vol. 6 10€ * 全国大会三本戦~いやがらせ~ // 全国大会三本戦~決勝戦~ // 全国大会三本戦~Free style~ 28€ for all // each 10€ * The Gazette - Tour 2007/2008 Stacked Rubbish Grand Final 50€ * The Gazette - Tour 2006/2007 Decomposition Beauty Final 50€ Merch * Photoset Bergerac 15€ new price 10€ * Photoset Calmando Qual 5€ each * Photoset D=OUT 15€ new price 10€ * Photoset Dolly 15€ (with Yuina) new price 10€ * Photoset LuLu 15€ new price 7€ * Photoset xTripx 15€ new price 10€ * Signed Nega mirror (Jin, Yuu) each 20€ Cheki From left to the right: VanessA ハルキ, VanessA 恋一, VanessA Genki, ex-Zip.er Haruhi 2. Picture =) 3rd in 2nd row is 珠聖 (Jura) (ex-Berry Bell) the last on in the 2nd row is Yukkey (ex-Berry Bell, ex- FeaDior) the last 2 are Yue (ex-Berry Bell, ex-AILE) - Cheki by Yue himself is sold
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