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Posts posted by Akira502002

  1. 1.In Paradisum [sE]

    Opening Track an instrumental one at that, these aren't really my thing. Anyway this one kind of gives a feel for what the album will be like as a whole.

    2. The Seventh Veil

    I didn't listen to the album in order but I have to say this song really caught me off guard. There's a couple of parts in the instrumentals that reminisce older songs like Perish and Detresse, but everything else is completely fresh and new. I love Seth's vocals in this one, Hayato really cuts loose on the drums. Best word to describe the song is Exciting, bad ass playing by everyone and the vocals are pretty varied throughout the song.

    3. Witchcraft

    This song reminds me of the way Exclude from the previous album was structured. Lots of harpsichord and opera vocals in this one but that's a good thing. Toward the end it really starts to differentiate itself from the Exclude similarities. A solid song but nothing that's gonna blow you out of the water.

    4. The Sect

    Ah the Sect, to be fair I heard this song along with Dead Scape b4 the album release so I've had longer to listen it. Anyway as of now this is tied for my favorite song on the album. The guitar rift in this one reminds me of Vizard a whole lot, that's about the only similarity to the old songs. I pretty much love everything about this song, Seth surprised me and it looks like he can actually do screams. Usually I feel the addition of english lyrics is out of place but in this one it works well.

    5. Divine Place

    A slower tempo song,but definitely not soft. The structure of the song is very refreshing and exactly what I'd expect from Mana, the vocal rate fits perfectly with the instruments. Mana and K's guitar playing goes perfectly with the harpsichord and Seth's voice. This is one of those songs that will definitely grow on a person.

    6. Pendulum

    Another holy rock ballad like Xanadu. This one has an almost creepy feel to it, makes me think of a castle on a dark knight. Sugiya's bass really stands out on this one, drums are a little light, and guitar is there but really the bass takes the stage on this one.

    7. The Pact of Silence [sE]

    The interlude and of course another instrumental. It fits right after listening to Pendulum, otherwise I'd skip it on shuffle.

    8. Ange ~D Side Holy Wings~

    When I saw the title I just hoped it was what I thought, the original Ange is my favorite Moi Dix Mois song. Played it and "tenshi no hane wa ima hajimete no kotoba o" I was just shocked with joy. This one ties with the Sect for my fav from the album. Onto the review,this song is pretty fast paced, old style Moi Dix Mois nothing too crazy but pretty wild.Almost constant drums, and badass guitar shredding. The new version adds some english screams which fit perfectly. I was skeptical about how it'd turn out with Seth instead of Juka, but I'm pleased. My only real gripe is that the way it was sung was TOO much like Juka in terms of structure, it sounded like Seth singing a Juka song, rather than a complete overhaul like "Last Temptation" and "Neo Pessimist"

    9. Agnus Dei

    I can say this one doesn't remind me of any of the old MDM songs, the very beginning has a hint of Malice Mizer (makes me think of madrigal for some reason)in it aside from that its a whole new beast. A soft but pleasant song, pretty much all about the vocals.

    10. Sanctum Regnum

    This is probably the only song on the album I can flat out say I don't like. Its' like Mad Ingrain with Immortal Madness, just a filler song/crowd motivator at lives.

    11. Dead Scape

    The beginning reminds me of a sped up Perish, again Sugiya shows us what he can do on the bass. Hayato's drums are pretty catch, and it sounds like K joins Seth in some team screaming. Originally I didn't like this song but then around the middle it turns it around, Mana, K and Sugiya dole out some of their best stuff at this point. In the end Seth's vocals are really what really made me give the song a second chance and it did "Satisfy".

    12. Dies Irae

    Probably the most anticipated song because I heard of it being played at live shows years ago. The intro guitars are very "Unmoved" . The bass kinda takes a back seat on this one to let us all remember what makes rock kick so much ass the guitar. At times the drums take me back to "front et braiser" but it might be my imagination. I had to tip my hat off to Seth on this one, probably the most of his vocal range I've seen in his Moi Dix Mois career.

    13. Baptisma [sE]

    The outro starts off like a heartbeat and waves crashing, then shifts to a church for a second and that's it. Again a skip since its like 30seconds long.

    Closing thoughts:

    While not every song made me crap my pants in amazement I'm still very excited and pleased with the album as a whole. Mana and K haven't lost it at all on the guitars and are as badass as ever. Sugiya and Hayto have really sharpened their skills since Dixanadu, top notch. And I really gotta give Seth the cake, I'm a super Juka fan but Seth really gained major points in my book from this album.

    Overall 9/10, not perfect but definitely awesome.

    oh and lol at seji's "dispell bound".

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