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Posts posted by DistraughtK

  1. On 12/16/2018 at 11:00 PM, lichtlune said:

    Yeah it's a shame he decided to throw his career away. I don't know if he fell on his head or what.  He had a clean deep voice in DIO. A lot of potential wasted. He also had a great growl that he decided to throw away. It's weird because in every interview I've seen of him he seems to miss and cherish his last band. Yet he decides to do something like this.


    Maybe he doesn't try to mirror Dio because he wants Dio to be that one thing and not something that can be mimiced or copied (despite being the voice for it) right now I cant really find the word to fit what im trying to say, im not sure if respecting what him and 4 other people created is strong enough. Besides, if you look at Naru (ex - Biosphia) all him bands pretty much sounded the same and they kept flopping one after enough, I been out of the vk scene for awhile so idk if his current band is doing so well but im not imagining it is tbh.

  2. GHOST will be holding a 10th anniversary Oneman at Birth Shinjuku called "Theater of Haunted Carnival Scene of [...Red Thread]".

    Am I the only one super excited about this despite I won't even be able to go to it?

  3. I'm curious too because that song that was playing in that video he did sounded way better than this. I still don't understand if G.L.A.M.S was only an art project or musical project... He did some kind of exhibition in europe apparently.  

    From what he said in the video it sounded like it was a few things. But some more tracks like that would be nice.

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