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Posts posted by missahful

  1. omg, so many virgins here o.o

    18 and not a virgin. I love sex, I crave it. People talk about not having sex for even 3 months and I look at them like they're crazy.

    I'm single at the moment and I like spending money on whatever I want and doing what I want. However I do like to be a in a couple and spoil my partner like crazy but I am one of those types of people that can go shopping, restaurants, the movies etc by themselves.

    I wouldn't mind a clingy guy, if he was a confident guy. I don't mind cockiness as long as there is reason for it. The only things I hate is when a guy has this sense of entitlement that he shouldn't have; when they always try to subtly undermine me and put me down; and guys who are always buying me gifts.

    I don't know if anyone else has noticed this and it might just be asian guys in Australia but they have this sense of entitlement like they're the best things since sliced bread. They can't handle anything negative said about them or they believe that they should have me because they're a med student or whatever. They are also usually Mummy's boys which I also quite hate because they're spoiled and spend their mother's money like they earnt it.

    I think my second point is quite obvious, I hate it when they disagree with me for the sake of disagreeing or they just put me down, out of nowhere. It's disgusting when they have to do that to make themselves superior to me or at least equal.

    And I know I might be a weird one to say this but I hate it when guys buy me gifts or more precisely, when they buy gifts and expect something from it, like sex. They will keep making me feel obligated because they bought me a present that I could've bought myself.

    Sorry for the long post, just had to get it out ><"

  2. I once told my sister that age was just a number and she said "And a jail cell is just a room." Please be careful guys!

    Anyways, I'm 18 and my limit would probably be... 35. I wouldn't date anybody younger than myself and I prefer at least a 2 year age gap.

    I am quite mature for my age (I've been told from a penpal that I sounded like I was 29 and not 18 at all) and I prefer to be submissive to a stronger male. I would need maturity in the guy I'm dating otherwise it would never work as I LOVE to debate about the harder issues, politics, economics etc and I'm not a trend follower or whatever (which seems to be what everybody talks about, well people my age anyways).

    Although in saying that, I've dated 28 year olds that still seemed like little boys.

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