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Everything posted by ginHigure

  1. ginHigure

    FIXED TO: Africa is the world's worst butthole. Its OFFICIAL!
  2. ginHigure

    your sig is much more entertaining!
  3. ginHigure

    i'll be like oh well, i'll go to korea instead. what would you do if this happened:
  4. ginHigure

    ^LOSER!!! how can you not like beach. nope like DBZ : Dragon ball z?
  5. ginHigure

    wish granted : goes away, but unfortunately you miss it somehow and you feel a void. wish someone would just kill me!
  6. ginHigure

    likes the girl in his sig
  7. ginHigure

    past! bee or fly.
  8. ginHigure

    keep rainy days?
  9. ginHigure

    I use it since jenpoo died. I dont like ihoney, because they only upload "famous" bands. kaboomza is actually really similar to jenpoo. lies, they do the same. There's others site i go to that has many underrated artists that are not uploaded by kaboomza. Back on topic: they are growing on me. Im surprised i actually like them since i dont like boy bands that much. 4th one possibly. So far i enjoy Killin' me a lot
  10. ginHigure

    Any song by CELLT =D
  11. ginHigure

    Yeah i agree with you a 100% It makes it more interesting, I think for every type of music theres visual no matter what. Except mayb rock or metal.
  12. ginHigure

    ??ค่ที่รั?? by 3.2.1
  13. ginHigure

    sometimes like the beach?
  14. ginHigure

    dammm hard one, but i go with korean chinese or viet?
  15. ginHigure

    gosh, thanks. a lot. oh and do you have any recommendations on that type of music?
  16. ginHigure

  17. ginHigure

    wtf is ur ava!
  18. ginHigure

    you get tea, but the chinese ppl come to hunt cuz you bought their special tea which is rare for only for their rich family. wish i was a bit satisfied with my grade.
  19. ginHigure

    yup like to eat salty-boogers?
  20. ginHigure

    airplane tumblr or twitter?
  21. ginHigure

    hasnt added me on fb
  22. ginHigure

    I know what you mean. Hope i do actually like this full album
  23. ginHigure

    yeah i listen to some v-pop, but man its hard to find. Tho some singers sing mad annoying. Apparently this guy which i started listening to is pretty good. Trịnh Thăng Bình, he has some really nice songs.
  24. ginHigure

    no they dont, they are pretty decent and have so really good songs. Humm i hope they go back being vk and stop being a pop/rock group.
  25. ginHigure

    he is wrong about that cuz he dies with bruises and all beat up.
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